IBRAHIM, Dr Yahaya Yakasai

B.Sc, Ph.D, educationist, lecturer, administrator, b:August1944; p:Kano; bt: Kano; Iga: Kano Municipal; so: Kano; m:June, 1971; nc:fives,sevend;ed: Primary School 1956-61; Bichi Teachers'CoIlege, I96I-65;AdvancedTeachersCollege, 1969-71;Cooperative College, Ibadan, 1975; Cooperative College, Uughborough, U.K, 1977; BoilingGreen State University, USA, 1981; Marlborough University, Hawaii, USA, 2000;cr: Teacher, Primary School, 1966-69; Cooperative Officer Education and Training forCooperative, 1971-73; Manager.Kano Cooperative Supermarket 1973; Divisional Cooperative Field Officer, Kano North Central, 1973-74; Assistant Registrar in-charge, Cooperative Training Centre, 1975- 77; Lecturer/Acting Principal, School of Social and Rural Development Kano, 1978-79; Senior Assistant Registrar (Establishment), Central Administration, Kano State Institute for Higher Education, 1981; Vice- Principal, School ofManagementStudies,KanoState Institute forHigher Education, 1981-82; Principal, SchoolofSocialand Rural Development Kano State Institute for Higher Education, 1982-87; dir., Kano State Polytechnic, School of Social andRural Development 1987-94; dir., Kano State Polytechnic School ofManagement Studies, 1994-02; mm: Kano State Polytechnic Governing Board, 2001 -02; Sani Abacha Ultra-Modem Youth Centre Committee for Certificate Course Programmes, 1998-2000;Academic Board, SchoolofManagementStudies,Kano, 1994-02; Nigeria Integrated Rural Accelerated Development Organisation, since 1992,ch: KanoStale Polytechnic Housing Committee, 2000-02; Editorial AdvisoryCommittee, Enterprises International Joumai ofResearchWorkinBusinessandManagement StudiesinAfrica,since2000;KanoStateGovernmentConstitutedCommittee on Reactivation ofCooperative ConsumerService,2004-05;ch: KanoState Polytechnic Housing Committee, 2000-02; ReviewRelationship between Kano State Polytechnic andEl-Tayyaba Institute forin-serviceTraining for Arabic and Islamic Studies Teachers;Task Force on the Rehabilitation of Conference Hall, TheatreLibrary Block, School ofManagement Studies, Kano, 19%;mm:Association of Cooperative Professional ofNigeria,since 1984; NigeriaAssociation ofSocialDevelopmentWorkers,since 1986; f: Marketing andManagement Education Foundation, since 1994; Nigerian Association for Cooperative Education, since 2000; h:Best Behave Student ibadan CooperativesCollege, 1975;Certificate of Recognition,African People Association, Bowling Green StateUniversity, Ohio,USA, 1981; Certificate ofAppreciation byInspectorGeneral of Policeasmemberof Police-Community Relation Committee 1985; Certificate of Honour, Kano State Central CommitteeonSelfHelp Group, 1988; Exceptional Manage *itandLeadership QualityAward,(EMLQAX Marketingand Management Educ iionFoundation, Lagos, 1994; h:Honorary Doctorate Degree inEducation (Eg. X, Marlborough University Hawaii, USA, 2000; publ: co-author, PublicSector, Book of Readings, 1969; BasicAspectsofCooperativeStudies, Mun«wwar Books International, Karkasara, Kano, 2001; Savings and Credit Cooperative, Munawwar Books International, Karkasara,Kano, 2007; Government Rolein Relation to Cooperative Societies, New Nigerian Newroaper, 1984; \ Cooperative, Rura lFarmers and Increased Production, Sunday Tridmph, February 1986; etc; hob: writing, reac'i. 3, farming; off: School of Management Studies, Kano; res: Yakasai 6C2B Kano City; tel:064316134,08066049900
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