IDIAGHE, Dr. Samuel Ndubuchi Aquila

B.M. B.Ch: medical doctor; administrator b: December 25, 1943; p: Ute-Okpu: ht: Ute- Okpu; Iga: Ika North East, so: Delta; m: Juliana Okoh, January 01. 1979; nc: two s, two d; cd: St. Luke's Primary School. Ute-Okpu. 1953-59; Pilgrim Baptist Modern Sch. Ule-Okpu, 1960-62; Ika Grammar Sch. Agbor, 1964-68; Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1969- 76; cr: Housemanship. Specialist Hospital. Benin-City. 1976-77: Medical Officer. District Hospital, Ijan Ekiti. Ondo State. 1977-78: Medical Officer. General Hospital, Patani. Delta State, 1978-79; Medical Officer. General Hospital. Ubiaja, Edo State, 1979; Medical Officer, Central Hospital Agbor, Delta State, 1980-81; Trustee, State School of Nursing, Agbor. Delta State. 1988-91: Proprietor and Medical dir. Anioma Hospital. Agbor Delta State: mm: Nigerian Medical Association; Association of Private Medical and Dental Practitioners of Nigeria. Agbor Zone; Life mem. Bible Society of Nigeria; ch. Disciplinary Committee, Ika Local Govt. Area; Successfully separated Siamese twins. 1983; sc: Nat. presd. Committee of Twelve Friends; ch. Olu Ekakakemc Okaribe of Ikaland. Delta State, since 1999; Nat. sec. Ika Grammer School Old boys Association, since 1989; presd. Ute - Okpu Patriotic Union; pp: National Republican Convention hob: watching football, listening to music; res: 13. Memeh Street. Owa Agbor. P. O.Box 1614. Agbor, Delta State, tel: 055/25685; off: Anioma Hospilal. 13 Memeh St. Owa, Agbor, P.O.Box 1614, Agbor. Delta State; tel: 055-25216.
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