IDIONG, Dr. Stella Offiong

Univers ity Teacher, Arti st, Head, Departm ent of Fine and Industrial Arts, Univ. of Uyo; LGA:: Oruk Anam; Born: Sep.2 1, 1950; Pa: Mr Samuel U. Ukut (d) and Deaconess Inyang S. Ukut(d); Married to Prince Bernard S. Id iong; Children: Eme(30), Ubong(27), Martha(25), Samg,son( 16); Education: GCEO'Level, 1965-66; Holy Child Col!ege, Ifuho, 1960-64, Teachers Grd II ; Southern Univ., Louis iana, U.S.A, 1972-75, B.A. Fine Arts; Michigan State Univ, U.S.A, 1976-77, M.A. Artand Art Education: Columbia Univ, (TC), New York, 1985-88, Ph. D; Career and Work History: Teacher, Apostolic Sec Sch., Ikot Oku Nsit, 1968-71 ; Library Asst., Columbia Univ. T.C., New York, U.S.A, 1986-88, Lecturer Asst, Fine Arts Department, Columbia Univ. U.S.A, 1987-88; Director, Centre for Cul tural Studies, Univ. of Uyo, 1992-94; Head, Fine and Industrial Arts Department, Univ. of Uyo, I 994-present; Career Related Responsibilities: TV Ta lks on Art, AKBC, NTA, Uyo, 1993-96; Coordinator, Art Festivals, Akwa Ibom State Govt., 1989-96; Special Work Related Achievements: Successfully Researched into Art related problems like Graphic Tools, Ro llers or Brayers, Wood Cutting, Guapes etc. have been fabricated by her and can now be sourced from Uyo rather than imported from overseas; Publications and Creative Works: One book; articles in Journal of Humanities; Solo Exhibition at Louisiana Guild Art Gallery, U.S.A, 1975; Solo Prints and Enamel Exhibition at Wacy Gallery, New York; NCA 1 nternational Exhibition at Achaw Gallery, New York PACA Exhibition at Didi Museum, Ikoyi·, Lagos; and four other Art Exhibitions at Cross Ri ver and Akwa Ibom States; Civic and Political Activities: Pioneer, Women Upliftm ent Abak, 197 1-96; Acting Coordinator, Research on Women Affairs, Women In Nigeri a, Univ, of Uyo, Wing, 1993-96; External Examiner, College of Education, Akamkpa, Port Harcourt, Calabar, 1993-96; AIVan!s: Bob Blackburn's Prints Award, Blackbu rn's Inter Prints Shop New York, 1988; Patron, NAFIAS (Fine Arts Asscn.), Uni v. ofUyo, 1989-96; P rofessional Memberships: Mem., SocietyofNigerian Artists; (AKS Coordinator); Mem., Pan African Circle of Arti sts; Mem., Pulp and Paper Society of Nigeri a, Mem. , Akwa Uso Art Society, Uyo; Mem., National Conference of Artists, Washington D.C., U.S.A; Religious Affiliation: Christi an; Hobbies: Tennis,J unk Collection, Cul tural Affa irs. Dr Idiong is a profess ional pr in tmakeI', speciali sing in Etching, Wood-cut, Lithograph and is a seasoned Alt Educator; Offi ce: Department of Fine and Ind ustrial Arts, Un iv. ofUyo, Akwa Ibom State, Tel: (085 203663.
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