IDODO-UMEH, Dr. (Hon.) George

JP, B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D. Ph.D; zoologist, teacher, administrator author, publisher; b: January 15, 1944; p: Olomoro; Iga: Isoko South; so: Delta; married, has children; ed: R.C.M. Primary School. Olomor. 1950-57, Husscy College. Warri. 1959-63: 1965-66; University of Ife, He Ife, 1968-71: University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, 1974-75, University of Benin, Y9&0-&7; 1999-2002; cr: School/House Prefect, Hussey College, Warri, 1962- 63; Tutor, Modern Trade Centre, Effurun. 1964. Tutor. Husscy College. Warri. 1967, Games Master, 1967; dir. of Sports, Students Union, University of Ife, Ile-Ife. 1969-70; Tutor. Edokpolor Grammar school, Benin City, 1971; Games Master, 1971; Part time teacher, Advanced Level Adult Education, Benin City. 1971-72; Lecturer, Institute of Continuing Education, Benin City, 1975-78; Associate Lecturer. Department of Zoology. University of Benin. 1976-78; Fisheries Officer, Bendel State Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Benin City, 1971-74; snr. Fisheries Officer, 1974-76; Honourable comm. Urban, Rural Integrated Development and Housing, Bendel State (now Edo and Delta States), 1980-82; comm. Agriculture and Natural Resources, 1982-83; ch/md. Idodo Umeh Publishers Ltd., Benin City. 1977-80 and since 1983; Idomor Ltd., Olomoro, Delta State, since 1986; Tropical Engineering Construction, Benin City, since 1996; Environmental Care Ltd., Benin City, since 1993; founder: Baptist Church, Olomoro, Isoko South, Delta State, 1961; Olomoro Baptist Health Centre, Olomoro, Isoko South, Delta State, 1982; mm: Defunt Bendel State Athletic Association, 1977-79; defunt Bendel State Handball Association, 1977-79; Isoko Task Force on Funds for Mineral Producing Area, 1988-89; Fisheries Societies of Nigeria; American Fishers Society; Wild Life Conservation of Nigeria; Judicial Commission of Inquiry; Ovwian Disturbances, 1994; Advisory Committee on Agriculture and Fisheries, OMPADEC, Delta State, 1994-95; Patron, Zoological Society, University of Benin, since 1984; Nigeria Author Association, Benin City, since 1990; ch: defunt Eastern Urhobo Athletic Association, 1973-74; defunt Bendel State Table Tennis Association, 1987-89; defunt Bendel State Boxing Association, 1989- 91; v-ch. Delta State Athletic Association, since 1999; ah: Hussey College Scholar, 1965-66; Midwestern State Government Postgraduate Scholar, 1974-75; h: Certificate of Merit, University of Ife Students Union, 1970, Best Sportsman, Full Colour, University of Ife, 1969 and 1970; Best Publisher, Governing Council, Insitute of Continuing Education, Benin City, 1988; Certificate of Participation in Fish Seed Propagation, ARAC, Port Harcourt, 1988; Forum Distinguished Service, for Educational Services, 1992; City Business Service Merit Award for Educational Services, 1994; Certificate of Honour "Justice of Knowledge", Law Students' Association, Faculty of Law, Delta State University, Oleh Campus, 2000; Distinguished Alumnus Award, University of Benin Alumni Association, 2002; publ: College Biology, Idodo Umeh Publishers Limited, 1996; Modern Revision Biology for senior secondary schools, 3r edition. Idodo Umeh Publishers Ltd., 1993; Modern Revision Chemistry for Senior Secondary Schools, 3rd edition, Idodo Umeh Publishers Ltd., 1993; Freshwater Fishes ofNigeria (Identification, Ecological notes, Diet and Utilization), 2003; Research publ: The Anatomy and some Aspects of Ecology of Mesocoelium monodi of Agama agama, B.Sc. Thesis, University of Ife, Ile-Ife, 1971; Pond Management, M.Sc Thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A., 1971; Some aspects ofthe ecology of bagrid catftshes in Southern Nigeria river, 1991 and many others, co author: Elementary Science for Primary Schools, Book 1-6, 2nd edition, Idodo Umeh Publishers Limited, Benin City, 1990; tt: The Osugba of Olomoro; 77ie Ogba of Emevor; sc: Olomoro Social Club, Warri, since 1995; hob: writing, sports, fishing; off: Idodo-Umeh Publishers Ltd. 52, Ewah Road, P. O. Box 3441, Benin City, Edo State; tel: 052- 254404, 254424, fax: 052-254404; mob: 08023118676; res: Egbo Quarters, Olomoro P.O.Box 125, Olomoro, Isoko South Local Goverment Area, Delta State
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