MBBS, FWACS, FICS; consultant obstetrician/ gynaecologist, academic, administrator, b:June 26,1959; p:Ngoshe-Aiga; Iga: Gwoza; so:Bomo;ed:Ngoshe Central Primary School, Gwoza L.G.A., 1965-71; GovernmentSecondarySchool,Ganye,AdamawaState,1972-76; School ofBasicStudies, Upiyersity ofMaiduguri, 1976-78; College of Medical Sciences, Universityof Maiduguri, 1978-83;UniversityCollegeHospital, Ibadan, 1986-91; cr: Pre-registration Housemanship, rotating through Obstetrics andGynaecology, Paediatrics, Medicine andSurgery, University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital, 1983-84; Medical Officer,(General Duty), National Youth ServiceCorps,Federal Polytechnic StaffClinic,Bida,1984- 86;Senior House Officer, (Obstetrics&Gynaecology), University ofMaiduguri Teaching Hospital, Maiduguri, 1985-86; SeniorHouse Officer, (Obstetrics& GynaecologyXUCH, Ibadan, 1980-87; Registrar, University College Hospital, Ibadan, 1987-88;Senior HouseOfficer (Surgery&Urology),UCH,Ibadan; SeniorHouseOfficer,(Anaesthesia), UCH,Ibadan, 1989;Registrar(Obstetrics, andGynaecology),UCH,Ibadan,1989;Senior HouseOfficer,(Obstetrics& GynaecologyXUCH, Ibadan, 1989-9i;Consultant(Obstetrics&GynaecoIogy), University ofMaiduguri,since 1991;MedicalResearch Fellow, University of Maiduguri, 1986-89;Senior Medical ResearchFellow, 1989-91; Lecturer/ Consultant, (Obstetrics&Gynaecology), UniversityofMaiduguri,1991-94; SeniorUcturer, 1994-97;Associate ProfofObstetrics&Gynecology, 1997- 2000;ProfessorofObstetrics&Gynaecology, University ofMaiduguri, since 2000; Visiting Prof of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Usmanu Dan Fodio University, Sokoto, 2009-10;Clinic Attachment,WatfordGeneral Hospital, England,Sponsored by the British Council, 1991-92;Clinic Attachment, Watford General Hospital, England, Sponsored by theWorldBank/National University Commission Rotating Through Several Hospitals. 1993-94;Acting Head, Dept of ObstetricsandGynaecology, UniversityofMaiduguri, 1993; Head, Deptof Obstetrics andGynecology, University ofMaiduguri, 1996- 2000;Protem Editor, NigeriaAnnualsofMedical Sciences,2000-02; Editorial Board, Joumai ofObstetricsandGynecology, since2000;Editorial Advisory Board, HUDRAW, since 1994; Consultant, Interviews Panel for Pioneer SeniorAcademic StaffCollege ofMedicine,University ofAbuja, 2005; ee: University ofJos; University ofIlorin; Ahmadu Bello University.Zaria; West AfricanCollegeofSurgeons,since 1991;External AssessorforProfessorof Obstetrics andGynecology, Usman DanFodio Uniyersity, Sokoto,2006; 2009;University of PortHarcourt, 2008;AssessorforAssociateProfessor, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, 2008; mm: Accreditation Visitation Panel, Faculty ofObstetricsandGynaecology, West AfricanCollegeofSurgeonsto Federal MedicalCentre,Abeokuta,2003; UgosUniversityTeaching Hospital, 2003;Ahmadu Bello UniversityTeaching Hospital, 2004; Nigeria Army Reference Hospital, Yaba, Ugos, 2Q04; University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, 2005;Federal Medical Centre, Bida, 2007; FMC, Gombe, 2007; FMC, Azare, 2007; Unilorin Teaching Hospital, 2008; Udoke Akintola University Teaching Hospital, Osogbo, 2009; Olabisi Onabanjo University Teaching Hospital, Shagamu, 2009; Member, Expert Committee for. Development of Benchmark Minimum Academic Standard for Postgraduate Programme in Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Radiography, Human Nutrition, Medical Uboratory Sciences, Anatomy and Physiology in Nigerian Universities, National Universities Commission, 2006; Co-ordinator, Postgraduate Studies, Dept ofObstetrics and Gynaecology, UMTH, 1996-2000; mm: University of Maiduguri Senate, since 1995; Students Affairs Committee, University of Maiduguri, 1995-96; SearchTeam for Appointmentof Vice Chancellor, University ofMaiduguri, 2003^StaffSchool Management Board, 1997-2000; CollegeofMedical Sciences Publication Committee, 1997-2000; Postgraduate Committee, College ofMedical Sciences, since2004; College of Medical Sciences Representative tothe Faculty ofBoard of Education, 1996-2000; College of Medical Sciences Representative totheFaculty of Board ofGeneral Studies, since2000; ViceChancellor's RepresentativetotheFaculty Board of Management Scierice, 2007-09;YiceCliancellOTRepresentau'vetoArjpointment andPromotion Committee Appraisal Panel, Faculty ofEngineering, 2004- 05;2005-06; Internal Accreditation Committee forAcademicProgrammes, 2006;Vice Chancellor's Representative to Faculty.Board/of Veterinary Medicine, since 2009; Disciplining Committee, 1998-2000; Junior Staff Appraisal Panel, Science Based Faculties, 1996-2000;AcademicStaffAppraisal Panel, CollegeofMedicalScience&Faculty ofVeterinary Medicine,since 1996; Technical AdvisoryCommittee onSecondary Reproductive Health in BomoState,1996-2000; Faculty Board, Obstetrics andGynaecology,West AfricanCollegeofSurgeons,2001-03;2003-05;2007-09;2009-11;Safe Motherhood Committee, Society ofGynecology andObstetrics ofNigeria, since1994; Expert Committee, Draft National Policy on Health Care Waste Management, Federal Ministry ofEnvironment,Abuja,2008;Council Member, WestAfrican College of Surgeons, 2009-11; ch: Panel on Investigation of Missing EquipmentandInventory ofEquipments in foeOperating Theatre Complex, University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital, 1995; Panel on Investigation of Disappearance of ECOPAN Monitoring Machine in the Intensive Care Unit, UMTH, 1994; Committee on Improvement pf Cell Duty, 1993; Ante Natal Clinic Revolving Fund Committee, 1993-2000; SecondaryReproductiveHealthProjects, Federal HealthZone D,UMTH, 1996-2000;Theatre Users Committee, UMTH, 1998; mm: Nigerian Medical Association, since 1983; Medical and Dental Consultants Association of Nigeria; SocietyofObstetrics andGynaecology ofNigeria; Nigeria Fertility Society, since1991; NewYorkAcademyofScience;AmericanAssociation for AdvancementofScience, 1993;f:West AfricanCollegeofSurgeons, since 1991; International College of Sciences, since1997;.ch„ Medical andDental ConsultantsAssociationofNigeria, University ofMaiduguriTeaching Hospital Chapter, 1997-99; National AssistantSecretaryGeneral,MedicalandDental Consultants Association ofNigeria, 1999-2001; h: Listed in:Who's Who in Nigeria, Nigeria International Biographical Centre, 1999; Listed inMarquis: Who's Who in the World; Who's Who in Medicine and Health Care;Who's Who inScience Engineering; International Member,AmericanAssociation fortheAdvancementofScience, 1.993; International ManoftheYear2000, International Biographical Center, Cambridge; Medical Elder, 23ri Attestation Ceremonyof Newly Graduated Doctors,University, of Maiduguri, 2005; publ: co-author, Aulhrometrtc Measurement ofPrivileged Neonates in Maiduguri, Central African Medical Joumai, 1988,34,78-84; Pregnancy in HemoglobinSickle Cell HBSCPatient at the University College, Ibadan. Nigeria, Initial Journal, GynecoWbstet, 38,2, 83-86, 1992; A Study of Perinatal Mortality, Nigerian Journal Surg.,Sci., 82-84,1992; Obstetrics Performance ofPatientswithSickleCellHBSSAnaemiaat UCH, Ibadan, Journal of Obstetrics andGynaecology, 12-381-384,1992; FeralMembrane SweepingforStimulating ofLabourinProlonged Pregnancy, AControlled Study, J.Obstetrics and Gynecology, 13,235-237,1993; HIVInfectionAmong Pregnant Women, AWorsening Situation inMaiduguri, Nigeria, Tropical Geog Med., 46,1,44-45, 1994; Appraisal of Caecerean Section, NigJ.Surg.Sci., 5,2,68-70, 1995; Serum Vitamin A, Vitamin E and' Betacaronote Levels in Pre-Edamptic women in Nigeria, American J. Perinatology, 13,5,287-291; Lyssosomal Enzymuria in Pre-Eclampsia, American J. KidneyDiseases, 27,6,239-341,1996;PlannedHome Birthin Maiduguri, Nigeria, J. Obstetrics&Gynaecology, 16,239-241,1996; Serum Prolactin LevelinInfertile Women inMaiduguri, Northern Nigeria, Tropical J. Obstetrics andGynecology, 20,2,97-100,2003; Hysterosalpingogram Versus Laparascopy in Infertility Evaluation at a Teaching Hospital In Northern in Nigeria, Trop. J. ofObstetrics & Gynaecology, 20,1,20-23, 2003;Preparationfor Induction ofLabourofdie Unfavourable Cervix with Foley Cathelier, Journal ofObstetrics&Gynaecology, 2,157-158,2007;A Review ofPretermAdmission intoSCBUin UMTH, Maiduguri, AFour Year Review, Journal ofClinical Practice, 10,3,229-233,2007; Hormone Profileof Men Investigatedfor Infertility at theUniversity ofMaiduguri, Northern Nigeria, Singapore Medical Journal, 49-7:538-541,2008; Ectopic Pregnancy in Comprehensive Obstetrics in the TYopics, First Edition Publishers: Dansoman Asante&Hittschel Printing Press Ltd,' 211-218,2002; Infertility inComprehensive Gynaecology intheTYopics, byGraphic Packaging Ltd, Accra, Ghana, 333-345, 2005; Benign &Malignant Ovarian-Tumorsjti Obstetrics and Gynaecology Textbookfor Undergraduate; Chemotherapy of Gynaecology Malignances in Basic Sciences in Obstetrics and Gynaecology for Post Graduate; off:Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University . of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital, PM.B.1414, Maiduguri;'tel: 08036166802; e-m: [email protected].
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