IDUMAH, Dr. Felix Oaikhena

B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D; academic, administrator, b: September 29,1958; p: Eme-Ora; Iga: Owan West; so: Edo; ed: St Joseph Primary School, Eme-Ora, 1971; Holy Trinity Grammar School, Sabongida-Ora, 1977; Federal College ofForestry, Jos, 1981 .Federal College of Forestry, Ibadan, 1985; University of lbadan, 1991; 1997;2006;cr: Clerk, National BankofNigeria Ltd.,Oyo, 1978; ForesttyAsst-in-Training, Forestry Research Institute ofNigeria, Ibadan, 1979-81; Asst. Forest Superintendent, FRIN, Benin City, 1981-83; Forest Superintendent, FRIN, Ibadan, 1983-86; Higher Forest Superintendent, 1986-93; Senior Forest Superintendent 1993- 97; ResearchOfficer1,1997-2000;SeniorResearch Officer,2(X)04)3; Principal ResearchOfficer,2003-()6;QiefResearchC«cer,since2006;G FRIN-IDU Nigeria Ltd., 2006-07; Head, Forest Economics and Extension Dept, since 2008; ch., Student Caretaker Committee, Federal College of Forestry, Ibadan, 1985; Internal Management Committee, Forestry Research Institute ofNigeria, Ibadan, since 2008; Asst. Sec, Senior StaffAssociation, - 1996^02; Forestry Association ofNigeria, since 2005; Sec, FRIN (Staff) CICS LfcLsince 2000; Sales ofTreesCommittee (FRIN), Ibadan, 2004-06; Academic StaffUnion of Research Institutions FRIN Branch, since 2005; mm: Nigerian Economics Students Association,UniversityofIbadan,1987- 91; ForestryAssociation ofNigeria, 1995; Nigeria Economic Sbciety, 2000; - publ: Case Studies on Domestication of Grasscutter (Thryonomys Swinderianus) in Nigeria. Paper published in a Book Titled "Issues in SustainableAgriculture in Nigeria", 2002; Ensuring Peoples Participation in Social Forestry, Joumai ofEnvironmental Extension,2002;AnalysisofSome" SocioeconomicVariableson Brand PreferenceofCovvpeaVarieties inIbadan Metropolis in Oyo State, Nigeria Bowen Joumai ofAgriculture,2004; Private Sector Participation in Forestry in Nigeria, Constraints and Challenges, Journal ofAgriculture, Forestryand Social Sciences,2006; Relative Efficiency ofFood Crop Farmers in the Niger DeltaAreasApplicationofProfit Function Analysis, Bowen Journal ofAgriculture, 2007; Land Degradation and Sustainable Food Production intheNiger Delta Region ofNigeria, paper submitted toBowen Joumai ofAgriculture, 2008; Economic Analysisofthe MarketingofNon-Timber Forests Products in Kajola Local GovernmentArea ofOyo State, paper submitted to the Journal ofForestry Research and!' Management Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria; award: Crystals Magazirie (UK) Merit Award in Recognition of Diligence and Commitment to the Growth of Forestry in Africa, 2008; off: Forest Economics and Extension Dept, Forestry Research Institute, Ibadan; tel: 0803-353-4524,0805-492- 3016; e-m: [email protected].
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