IDUOT, Chief Etim Okon

Retired Civil Selva nt, Comm un ity Leader, Management Consultant; Cha irman/Man aging Director, CROSAK In vestments Ltd, Uyo: LGA Itu : Born: Mar. 19, 1935; Pa: Mr Okon Iduot(d)1 and Mrs Afiong Idout(d); Children: Six; Education: I-lope Waddell Training Institution, Ca labar, 1946-50; Macgresar Coll egc. Afikpo, 1953-54; N ig. College of Arts and Sc ience/ Technica l; Ahmadu Bello Uni v, A ffil iated to Univ. of London and Leeds, 1958-60: Other Qualifications: Di ploma in Pub I ic Adm in .. Managcment and Tm in i ng Techniques, London. 1972: C'"'cer and Work History: Teacher, Presbyterian Mission Sch .. Ugcp. Creek Town, 1955-57; Vice Principal. Fed. Min. of Establi shments, Federal Training Cemre, Kaduna, 1960-68; Prin cipal, Civ il Service Training Centre. Calabar, 1969-74; Under Secretary, South Eastcrn State Govt., Calaba r, 1974-75, 76; SAF., CRS Min. of Works, Calabar, 1977-78; Permancnt Secreta ry. Establishment, Civil Serv ice, 1978; Pennanent Secretary, CRS Gov!. Liai son Offi ce, Lagos. 1980- 83; Career Related Activities: Rec ruitm ent and Tra ining of Staff, SES/CRS Gov!.. Ca labar. 1969- 7-1: Chief Examiner, South Eastern Sta te and Cross River State Govt., Ca labar, 1969- 74: Special Work Related Achievements: Initiated the mode rni zation ofCalabar Muni c ipality: Deve loped the Structurcsof Cross Rivers State Lia ison Office. Lagos: Ini tiated Aluminium Sme lter Projec!.lkot Abasi; Pioncered the DevelopmentofManpower tra ining for South Eastern State/CRS Govt ; Publication and Other C reative Works: Founding Chief Ed itor of "71le Civil Serva", " Journa l, 1970-74; Civic and Political Activities: Pres., Ibi bio Sta te Uni on. Kad una. 1962- 66; Founding Pres .. Sourh Eastern State North Asscn., 1967-1968: Pres. Genera l, ham Peoples' Forum, Itu, 1987; Pres., Akwa Ibom Peoples Congress, 1994-90; Patron, Uni ted Choral Voices of Uyo; Honours and Awards: Life Mem .. Nige rian Legion, Uyo, AKS, 1990; Religious Affiliation: Presbyterian; Chief Iduot is a strong advocate for Political Reorientation of Akwa I bom People, Office: Crosak Investm ents Ltd; 1881kot Ekpene Road, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State.
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