IHEJIRIKA, Chief Edward Osuchukwu Ezeakolam

BA;educationist farmer, administrator, b:January 9,1927; p:Umuekwele Alaike; ht: Ikenazizi; Iga: Obowo; so:Imo; m:EuniceUgwu, November 26,1950;nc:sixs,twod;ed: St. Joseph's School, Kaduna, 1937-42; Teachers' College, St. Thomas's Igbuzor, 1943-46;Universiry ofUndon, 1948-52; cr: Headmaster, St Joseph's School,Kaduna,1947-48; St.Theresa'sSchool, Ikenanzizi,Obowo, 1949- 50; Ucturer, New BelhelCollege, Onitsha, 1951-52; Education Officer, GovernmentCollege,Ughelli, 1952-56; Provincial Education Officer,Ondo Province,Akure, 1956-57; 1961-62; ColonyProvince, Ikeja, 1957-59; Benin City, 1959-61; Delta Province, Warri, 1962-63; Principal Inspector of Education, Mid-West Region, Benin,1963-74; Chief Inspector ofEducation, BendelState,Benin City, 1974-76;Retired, 1977;Established Faria Poultry, now Faria (Crusader) Ltd.. including Feed Milling, Poultry Farming; mm: f-irst African Guest Speaker,NSW Teachers' Federation,Australia, 1965; Respected Educational Philosopher address attheAdefarasin Teachers'Joint Negotiating Councilof 1964,resulting in the disestablishment of Church Schools from 1970; ch: First Symposiumon AfricanEducation, UNESCO Seminar, Khartoum, Sudan, 1961; tt: HighChief, DikenzeofAlaike, 1982; publ: Urichi, USA, 2000;sc: Founder/presd. Good Neigbhour Clubof Nigeria, Benin City, 1978-92; hob:writing, chess; ca:Rescuingaccident and civilwarvictims; Stemmingthe scourge of small poxepidemicin Eastern Nigeria, 1949;Advocate forpublic education; Pioneering effortof 6-3-3-4 Education System intheAdebo Committee of 1973; h:National Certificate of MeritAward in Poetry, 1952; add: 12,First AkenzuaLane, off AkenzueRoad, Ogbe, Benin City,tel:07034548786; pha:Umuekwele Alaike, Ikenazizi, Obowo, Imo State.
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