IHONVBERE, Prof. Julius Ornozuanvo

BA, MA, Ph.D; political economistuniversityteacher, b: June25,1956; p:Oyo;so: Edo;m: Gladys, 1983; nc:ones; ed;CMS School,Oyo, 1962-64;CAC School,Warri, 1965- 68; Edo Boys' High School, Benin City, 1969-73; University oflfe (now ObafemiAwolowoUniversity), lle-lfe, 1975-79;TheNorman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carieton University, Ottawa, Canada, 1980-81; University ofToronto, Canada, 1981 -84.en AssistantUcturer, International Relations, University oflfe(nowObafemiAwolowoUniversity), Ile-Ife, Osun State, 1983-84; LecturerH/Ucturer I,ObafemiAwolowo University, 1984- 86; Visiting Part-time Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Osun State University,Agolwoye,1984-85; snr.Lecturer/Head, DepartmentofPolitical Science, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, 1986-89; v-prof. Political Science, University ofToronto,Canada, 1990-91; a-prof.GovernmentThe University ofTexas atAustin;Visiting a-prof. Political Science, Hauston- Tillotson College, Austin,Texas, USA, 1993-94; prof. Government, The University ofTexasatAustin,since 1996; currently, Special Adviserto the President onPolicyandProject Monitoring; programme officer,Governance and Civil Society, The Ford Foundation, New York, USA, since 1997; external research associate, Scandinavian InstituteofAlternativeDevelopment Research, Oslo, Norway, 1984-87; external examiner, Undergraduate, Department ofPolitical Science, AhmaduBelloUniversity, Zaria, 1987-90; external examiner, Post-graduate, DepartmentofPolitical Science,Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1987-90;external examiner, Undergraduate, Department ofPoliticalScienceandAdministration,UniversityofMaiduguri, 1988-90; representative,West Africa,African Human RightsAssociation; mm.Nigerian Society for International Studies, Canadian Association ofAfrican Studies, Nigerian Political Science Association,NigeriaCritical Study Group; awards: Carieton University,Scholarship, 1980-81; University ofToronto Open Fellowship, 198l-83;Intemational Social ScienceCouncil/UNESCO Research Fellowship Grant, 1989; World Research Foundation, Zurich, Research Fellowship, 1989; Aspen Institute Grant toStudy Civil LibertiesOrganisations andDemocratisation in Nigeria, 1994; publ: Editor, Nigerian Journal of CriticalSocialScience; co-author, The Riseand FallofNigeria'sSecond Republic, 1979-84. Zed,Un-don, 1985; Nigeria; The Illusions ofPower, 1987; Nigeria andthe International Capitalist System. 1988; co:author, TowardaPoliticalEconomyofNigeria: Petro-leum andPolitics atthe Semi- Periphery, Aldershot United Kingdom, 1988; Nigeria: The Politics of Adjustmentand Democracy-, Transaction Publishers, Rutgers University, NewJersey,- USA, 1994; and other booksand numerous^cholarly articles in national andintemational learned journals; tt: Olunevbo ofEsan, 2005;hob: reading, writing, debates; e-m: j.ihonvbere@ fordfound.org.
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