IKEDIANYA, Prof. Michael Cuthbert Ndiogalu

B.Sc, M.Sc, MNIM, CRA, FNIVS, FRC,KT;realestate surveyorand valuers,lecturer, consultant b: March 4,1942; p: lhembosi; Iga: Ekwusigo; so:Anambra; m: Rose Nneka Egbonu, 1972; two s, two d; ed: St. John's Primary School, Onitsha, 1948-55;St. Theresa's SecondarySchool, Nsukka, EnuguState, 1956-60; UniversityofNigeria, Nsukka, 1963-67,UniversityofWisconsin, USA, 1972-75. cr: Estate/ValuationOfficer, EasternNigerian Housing Corporation, 1967-69; asst lecturer, DepartmentofEstate Management, UniversityofNigeria, Enugu, 1970-72;ResarchAssociation/lecturer, Real Estate Valuation, LandEconomics, Investment AnalysisandProject Appraisal, University ofWisconsin, 1975; PropertyValuation Officer and Project Analyst American AppraisalCompany, Milwankee, USA, 1975;LectuerI, departmentofEstateManagement UniversityofNigeria, Nsukka, 1976-77: Lecturer, University ofNigeria, 1970-76; asst. prof: University of Wisconsin, 1975;Senior Ucturer, UniversityofNigeria, 1977-78; visiting prof: Real Estateand Land Economics, University ofWisconsin, 1987-88; Consultant, Federal Ministry of Industry on Project Appraisal, Asset Valuation, Project Development and Management, 1988-91; Managing Partner/Principal Consultant Michael IkedianyaandAssociates;edr: Real Estateand Und Economics Research Centre, Enugu;Associate, Nigeria Institution ofEstate SurveyorsandValuers, 1972; mem. RatingandValuation Associastion ofGreat Britain, 1972; mm: American Real Estateand Und Economic Association, 1973; U.S. National Association of Review Appraisers, 1981, Nigerian Institute ofManagement, 1981; f: Nigerian InstitutionofEstate Surveyors and Valuers, 1982, NationalAssociation for the Advancement ofScience and Technology, 1986; publ: TheProject Cycle; Relarc Publishers, Enugu, 1992;Aspects ofReal Estateand Land Economics, Relarc Publishers, Enugu, 1996; Real Estate and Und Economics: The Nigerian perspective, Funmark Publishing Company, Enugu,19%;ProjectPlanning, DevelopmentandManagement: The Nigerian Perspective, Funmark Publishing Company, Enugu, 1997; Valuation of Going Concern's for privatizationpurposes: The Nigerian'Situation, Relarc Publishers,Enugu, 20.00; sc: Member, SportsClub, Enugu.hob: reading, research, walking/strolling, gardening, swimming, res: 22, Ugwuemc Crescent Umuoji/NawfiaStreet Independence Uyout P.O. Box 564,Enugu, Enugu State; tel: 042-458816.
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