IKEME, Dr. Arthor Charles Chukwulobe

B.Sc, MB, BS;MRCOG, FRCOG, FWACS,FICS,FCIAS;medical practitioner, academic,consultant b: June 19,1944; m: Mrs. DorothyUchelkeme(nee Nzewi); nc:threes:two d; ed: HolyTrinity School, Calabar,1950-52;UrbanDistrict School/Government School, Ikot Ekpene, 1952-56; GovernmentCollege,Umuahia, 1957-63; University oflbadan, Ibadan, 1964-73; RoyalCollegeofObstetricians and Gynaecologists, London,1978-79; JohnsHopkinsUniversity International Programme forGynaecology and ObstetricsBaltimore, Maryland, USA, 1984; cr: House Officer,University ofNigeriaTeaching Hospital, Enugu, 1973-74; General DutiesMedical Officer,4ArmedForces Hospital, Kaduna, National YouthService, 1974-75; snr.House Officer, DepartmentofObstetrics andGynaecology, Universityof NigeriaTeaching Hospital, 1975-78; snr. House Officer Registrar/UcumConsultant, Department ofObstetrics and Gynaecology, Rush Green Hospital, Romford, England, 1978-81; snr. Registrar, Department of Obstetrics andGynaecology, University ofNigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu, 1980-83;Lecturer/Consultant Department of ObstetricsandGynaecology,UniversityofNigeriaTeachingHospital, Enugu, 1983-85;snr. Lecturer since, 1985; HonoraryConsultant, Departmentof Obstetrics andGynecology,UniversityofNigeriaTeaching Hospital, Enugu since, 1983; Interim snr.Registrar, Department of Obstetrics andGynecology, St. Mary's Hospital, Undon, CentralMiddlesex Hospital, Undon, England, Ormskirk andDistrict Hospital, Ormskrk,England, NorthMiddlesex Hospital, Undon, England, Wexham General Hospital, Epsom, England, General Hospital, Stevenage, England, 1997-2000; Head, Department ofObstetrics andGynecology, UniversityofNigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu, 2000- 2002; mm: Nigeria Medical Association, since 1973; f:WestAfrican College of Surgeons, 1986; International College of Surgeons, 1986; Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist Undon, 1979; Society ofGynecology and Obstetrics ofNigeria, since 1984; asst. Secretary General, Society of Gynaecologyand Obstetrics ofNigeria, 1993-%; Patron: Gospel Band, Christ Church, Uwani, Enugu Anglican Youth Fellowship; Christ Church, Uwani, Enugu, Girls' Brigade, All Saints Church, GRA, Enugu; Life Bible Society ofNigeria; din UyCounselling, All Saints Church Enugu, Christian Men's Fellowship Cathedral Church ofGood Shepherd, Enugu; African Network Research Team inPreventing Maternal Mortality, Carnegies Corporation, NewYork, USAand Columbia University, Ohio, USA, 1985; RotaryClub of " Enugu, since 1984; f. Honorary, Internal Auditors ofNigeria, 1995; Institute oflvlaragententandContt'nutagEducation,(AffiIiatedtofoeCafoolicUniversity, USA), 1996; 3-Sapphire Paul Harris, Rotary International, 1994-95; sc: Rotary Club ofEnugu, since 1984; presd: Rotary Club ofEnugu, 1994-95; dir: International Service, Vocational Service, Club Service/ch: 4-WayTest Ideal ofService Lecture,Charity Walk, Retavalt-InteractCommittee District Governor's Representatives, 1998; Best ch. comm.. Rotary Club ofEnugu; award: Certificates of Merit and Excellence, Rotaract Club, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus; Rotary Club ofAbakpaNike, Enugu; Rotary Club, Enugu; RotaryClub, Emene; Excellence, Nigerian Union ofJournalists Enugu Chapter, Excellence and Installed Patron, National association ofWomen Journalists, Enugu Chapter, pub: Simple Gynaecology for every Women, I^temational University Press, 2005; Essentials in Everyday Medical Practice fo •Doctors, Intemational University Press, 2005; hob: reading, boxing, table tennis, reflection onmen's relationship to God; off:College of Medicine, University of Nigeria,Enugu Campus.
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