IKIME, Prof. (Rev) Obaro

BA, Ph.D,PGD, prof.Emeritus, clergyman; b: December30,1936 ht: ErohwaIga: Isoko South, so: Delta; m: Hannah Oritsegbubemi Arubi-Etchie, 1962; nc: two s, one d; ed: Oleh-IrriThird Grade School, Oleh,1944-47; St Phillips C.M.S School,Burutu, 1947; St. Andrew's C.M.S School, Warri, 1948-50; Warri College, Warri, 1950-56; University College Ibadan, nowUniversity oflbadan, 1956-64; Immanuel College ofTheotogy,Ibadan 1992-95. en asst Lecturer, Universityoflbadan, 1964-65; Lecturer II,1965-67; Lecturer 1,1967-69; snr. l^turer, 1969-73; prof. History, 1973-1990; dir. Institute of African Studies^ University of Ibadan, 1975-76; Head, Department ofHistory, Universityoflbadan, 1970- 79; Dean, FacultyofArts, University of Ibadan, 1979-81; mm: Senate, University oflbadan, 1969-90;Governing Council, University oflbadan, 1977-81; visitingprof. Department ofHistory, UniversityofCalifornia, Us Angeles,USA; visitingprof.DepartmentofHistory, UniversityofCalifomia, Beckley, USA, 1975; visitingprof,ofHistory, Harvard University, (Summer School), 1975; visiting Professor, Department of History, University ofBenin, Nigeria, 1982;retired fromtheservicesofUniversity oflbadan, 1990; mem., National Library Board, 1971-74; mm: AcademicPlanningGroup,National University Commission, 1976-77; BendelState Library Board, 1972-78; Planning Committee, BendelState University, 1981,GoverningCouncil, University of Sokoto, (now Usman Danfodio University), 1984-1986, Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the Administrationof Sports in Nigeria, 1982-83, Judicial Commission oflnquiry into the Affairsofthe Federal Electoral Commission(FEDECO),1985-86;ch.PlanningCommittee, Kings University (Proposed PrivateUniversity), since 1997; editorial consultant HeinemannEducational Books, 1992-97;mem. Editorial Board, The Post Express, 1996; Historical Society ofNigeria; Councillor, Historical SocietyofNigeria,1968-90; Editor, Tarikh. (Journal ofHistorical Societyof Nigeria)1984-88; Foundation presd., Nigerian Academy ofArts, 1987-90; Deacon,AnglicanCommunion, 1995;AssistingPriestAnglican Communion, 1996;AssistingPriest, AnglicanChurchofthe Messiah, New Bodija, Ibadan, 1995-98; Vicar, Anglican Church of Hope and Salvation, Jericho, Ibadan, since1998.publ:Merchant Prince oftheNigerDelta(The Rise andFallof the NanaOlomu, LastGovernorofBenin River, LondonHeinemann Education Books, 1963; Niger DeltaRivalry (Itsefdri-Urhobo RelationsaridtheEuropean presence), 1884-1936; Ungman, Ibadan, 1969;The Isoko People,AHistorical Survey. Ibadan, Ibadan University Press, 1972; Editor, Leadership in 19* CenturyAfrica, Undon, Ungman, 1974;The Fall of Nigeria, (The British Conquest) London, Heinemann Educational Books, 1977; Ground work of Nigerian History, Ibadan,Heinemann Educational Books, 1980. pamphlets: ThwughChangingScenes: NigerianHistory, Yesterday, TodayandTomorrow, IbadanUniversity Press,1979;InSearchofNigerians: Changingpatternsof Intergroup Relations inanEvolving NationState, Inaugural Lecture, Historical Society ofNigeria, May 1985. articles: TheComingofthe C.M.Sinto the Itsekiri, UrhoboandIsoko Country, Nigerian MagazineNo.86,.1965; Chief Dogho: The LugardianSystem in Warri, 1917-32, Journal ofthe Historical Society ofNigeria (JHSN) Vol. 3,1965;Reconsidering Indirect Rule, The Nigerian Example, JHSN Vol. 4, No.2, 1968; 77i
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