IKURIOR, Prof. Stephen Aondona

B.Sc,M.Sc,Ph.D; biochemist lecturer, administrator, b: June 6,1946; p: Mbagen; ht: Ajohol; Iga: Buruku; so: Benue; m:Patricia Mbatonon Nakondo, August 1974; nc:three s,oned;ed: Universityof Ibadan, 1968-72; 1979-82; University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, 1975-77; en Pupil/Principal Research Officer toPrincipal Research Officer, National Veterinary Research Institute, Vom, 1972-80; Co-ordinator, Dairy CattleFeeding and MilkingOperations; Lecturer/Students Welfare Officer,Collie ofAnimal Health andHusbandry,Vom,1973-75; ch.,Seminar Committee, 1977-80; Snr. Lecturer, Animal Production, Federal University ofTechnoIogy(now UniversityofAgriculture), Makurdi, 1983; Promoted Professor, since 1997; Head, Dept. ofAnimal Production, Federal University ofTechnoIogy, Makurdi, 1983-84; Pro Dean, Faculty ofAgriculture, Federal University ofTechnoIogy, Makurdi, 1983-84; Dean, College ofAnimal Science and Fisheries, 1996-98; dir., Academic Planning, UAM, 1998-99; din, UniversityTeaching and Research Farms, since 2005; DeputyVice Chancellor, UAM, 1999-2001; CommissionerofEducation, 1985-86; Commissioner of Health, 1986-87; ee:National Veterinary Research Institute, Vom, 1983-84; University ofNigeria, Nsukka, 1986; Rivers State University ofScience and Technology, Port Harcourt, 1989-99;Ahmadu Bello University.Zaria; External Asessor, Associate Professor/Professorial Position, Michael Okpara University ofAgriculture, Umudike, 1999; mm: University Senate, 1983-85; 1987-88; since1996; Governing Council,UAM,200-01; Committee toworkoutthe Concept and PhilosophyofUniversityofAgriculture, Makurdi, 1988;Appraisal Committee, College ofAnimal Science andFisheries, since 1988;Committee on Department of Permanent Site Livestock Farm, 1987-90; Senate Examination Regulations and Malpractices Committee, 1990-99; Senate Committee onStudentRampage of June11,1994; Committee of Deansand Directors, University ofAgriculture, Makurdi, 1996-2001; Development Committee, UAM, 1996-2001; University Farm Management Committee, 1996-99; SeniorStaffAppointment& Promotions Committee,1996-2001; University's Research Board, 1996-2001 ;Task Force onAcademic Structure, Programmes, Consultancy Services and Achievements of UAM, 1996; Committee on the Reorganization of Bursary Dept, 1996; Feed Mill Committee, 1997-2000; Finance andGeneral Purpose Committee, 2000-01; University's Tenders Board, 2000-01; since 2005; Management Tenders Committee, 2000-01; Committee onProfessorial Chair inAgronomy, 2002; Central Strategic Planning Committee,2002;SenateAd-hocCommitteeon the StatusofCo-operativeExtension Centre, 2004; Central Accreditation Committee,UAM,2005; ViceChancellor's Senior StaffDepartmental Annual Appraisal Committee, 2004 and 2005; Vice Chancellor's Junior Staff Departmental AnnualAppraisal Committee, 2004-05; Senior StaffDisciplinary andAppealsCommittee; CommitteeofCouncil,UAM,since2005;Council Sub-Committee toStudytheMemorandum ofUnderstanding BetweenUAM and Shepherd Agriculture, Pty, Africa, 2005; Standing Committee onthe Fund Raising Committee of Council, UAM, since 2006; ch: University Farm Committee,1983-85; StudentsWelfareCommittee,1984-85; Ad-hoc Committeeon SaleofBoarded Items, 1987; AdmissionsCommittee, 1987- 89; Ad-hoc Committee to Investigate Alleged attack onthePerson of theAg. Finance Officer byDr. P.O. Erhabor, 1987; Ad-hocCommittee toInvestigate Alleged Theft against Dr. C.N. Nzoigwe, 1987; Ad-hoc Committee to Investigate thegoings onintheUniversity Clinic, 1988; Agricultural Sector onDraft Academic Brief,1988; CommitteeonTeaching andResearch Farm, 1988-92; Senate Investigation Panel on Students' Rampageof24 and26 January, 1999,UAM, 1999;anti-Cultism Committee, 1999-2001; Research Grants Committee, 2000-2001; Postgraduate Committee, College ofScience, Agricultural and Science Education, 2003-04;Task Force ontheExpansion of University Teaching and Research Farms, 2006; Member, Governing Council, Board ofJointAdmissionsandMatriculations Board,JAMB, 1989-93; mm: Nigerian Society for Animal Production, since 1997; Nigerian Soyabean Association, 1992;American Society of Animal Science, since 1976;American Diary Science Association, since1976; cb.,Sub-Committee on Symposium, Local Organizing Committee, 14* Annual Conference, Nigerian Society for Animal Production, UAM, 1989; Bible Society ofNigeria, since 1995; Patron, Boys Brigade, 14* Benue Company, since 19%; Member, Board pf Trustees, Mbagen Dev. Association, since1996; PatronsofMbaatsamev.Tiv Choir, NKST Church, Makurdi, since 2004; h: Invited to Membership of American AssociationforAdvancementofSciences by the President ofthe Association, 1994; 1995; Invited to Membership ofNewYorkAcademyof Sciences, byBoard ofGovernors oftheAcademy, 1994-2000; Distinguished Alumnus Award, Bristow Alumni Association, 1996; Merit Award in Recognition of Immense Contribution tothe Development of Benue State, Universityof Ibadan Alumni Association, Benue State Branch, 1997; Listed inThe Marquis Who'sWho in the World, 14*Edition, 1997; Reviewer:. National Animal Production journal, since 1984; Nigerian Joumai ofAnimal Production, since 1985;Journal ofAgriculture, Science and Technology, since 1990;Tropical OilSeedJoumai, since1993; publ: co-author, Predictions of Change in the Composition of Naturally Fermented andChemically PreservedColostrum DuringStorage,Can.J.Anim. Science, 1980; Evaluating the PotentialsofTridax Procumbensfor Livestock Feeds. I Morphological StageofDev. andChemicalComposition, Nigerian Journal,Animal Production, 1986; Evaluating the Potentials ofTridax Procimibensfor Livestock Feed, 2 Seasonal Changes inChemical Composition, Nigerian Journal ofAnimal Production, 1986;Evaluation ofSunflowerSeedMealas Protein Feedfor Non-Ruminant Animals, Journal ofAgricultural Science&Technology, 1991; Author, Replacement ofDietarySoyabean Mealwith thatfromRoastedor CookedFullFatSoyabeanfor WeanerGrowerPigs, Tropical Oilseed Joumai, 1993;Preservation ofBrewers Yeast Slurry bySimple OilFarm Adaptable Technology andItsEffects on Performance ofWeaner Pigs,Animal Feed ScienceandTechnology, 1995; Co-author, ReplacementofMaize withCassava Root Meal either alone or mixed with Brewers Yeast Slurryin Diets of Growing Finishing Pigs,Nigerian Journal ofAnimal Productions, 1995; Effects of Feeding Graded LevelsofSoaked Acacia Albida Pods on Performance andOrgan Weights ofRabbits, NigerianSocietyof Animal Productions,Ahmadu Bello University,ABU,Zaria,200i; EffectsofFeeding Graded'LevelsofSteamedAcaciaAlbidaPodsonthePerformanceojGrowing Rabbits, Indian Joumai ofAnimalScience; hob:sports, music;off: Directorate ofTeaching and Research Farms, UniversityofAgriculture, Makurdi, Benue State; tel:08052117679; res:32,SeniorStaff Quarters,University of AgricuIture, Makurdi, Benue State; pha:NKST,Angor,Mbagen, Buruku L.GA, Benue State.
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