INIEKE, Dr. John A(Late)

Medical Practitioner, Med ica l DircctoriConsultanl.lni-Eke Medical Centre: LGA:: Ikot Abas i: Born: SCI'. 15, 1947; Pa: Chief Inyang I. Mkpokpo(d) and Madam Rose A. Inieke: Married to Mrs Ali ce Inieke(d); Children: Com {ort(3 I), .Iohn( 17). Enoabasi( 15). Oto-obong(7); Education : King's College. Lagos. 1960-64. HSC. 1965-66: Kuban Medica l In stilllt e. Kmsnodar. USSR. 1969-96. Doctor of Med icine: Other Qualilica tions: Fe llow. Inst illite of Adm i n. Managelll ent o rN igcria. 1992: Fe llow. West Afr ican Coll ege o rPh ysie ians I (Ceneral Medical Pra ctice), 1996; Career and Work History: Teacher. Regina Coe li Sec Scl1.. Essene. lkot Abas i. 1967-68 ; Teacher, 51. Pat ri ck's College, Ikot Ansa, CaJabar. 1968-69: I-louse Offi cer, Genera l Hospital, Port Harcourt , 1976-77; General \\",sp'nal. Gumel, Kano State. 1977-78, NYSC; Med ical Omcer II. Methodi st Hospital, Ituk Mbang, 1978-80; Medical Onicer I, Commun it y Hospit" I, I kot A bia, Mkpat En in Loca l GOVI., 1980-82; Medical Director, Specia list Medica l Centre, Calabar, 1982-87: Medical Director, Ini -Eke Medi ca l Centre, Ca labar, I 987-preselll; Civic Act ivities: Zone I I B Chai rm an, Lions Club Int ernati onal District 404, Nigeria, Calabar, 1995-96; Pres., Canaan City Lions Club Internationa l, District 404, Nige ria, 1994-95;Chairman, Nigerian Medical Asscn., Cross River State Branch, 1984-88; Chairman Asscn of General and Private Medical Practitioners of Nigeria, Cross Ri ver State Branch, 1992-96; Awards: Merit Award by Cal abar SPOl1S Clu b. Ca laba r, 1990; Award of Exce ll ence by Ette YOllth Progress ive Union, Ette, Ikot Abas i, 1994; Listed in Who's Who ill Nigeria. Professional Memberships: Mem., Nige rian Med ica l Asscn; Mem., Asscn of General and Pri vate Medical Practiti oners of Nigeria. Religious Affi liation: Chri stian; Hobbies: Swimm ing, Read ing, Film s; Office: Ini-Eke Medical Centre, 200 Mayne Avenue, P.O.Box 10 I, Ca labar, Cross River State, Tel: (087)225629; Home; I SA Archibong-Eso Lane, Ca/abar, Cross River State, Tel: (087)224009.
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