INWANG, Engr Joseph J

C iv il Eng ineer, Cons ultant, Principal Partne r, Uni on Cons ultants; LGA<: ltll; Born: Apr. 14, 1957; Pa:Johnlnwang(d) and Antho nia J . Inwanng(d); Education: Queen of .-- ..... the Apostles Semina ry, Afaha Obong , Aba k. 1969- 73, WASC: T he Po lytechnic, Ca labar, 1975-77, aND C ivil annd Building Eng ineeri ng; Concordia Uni v. Montrea l, Canada, 1978-81 , B. Eng (Civ il ); Ca.reer and Work Histo,'Y: Elleh Aro a nd Partners, Ibadan. 1981-85, NYSC; Pr incipal Pa rtner, Union Cons ultants . (Consu lting Engineers ), Uyo, 1985- pre se nt; C areer Related Activities and Responsibilities: Directo r, Messrs Abeetech Ventures Ltd. Uyo; Chairman/CEO Messrs, Joe Crown Ventu res Ltd. , Uyo; S pecial Work Related Achievements: Achieved Cost Sav ings due to str ict and efficient supe rv is ion of Ring Road II Construction in Uyo; Success fu l convers ion o f prestressed concrete br idge des ign to reinfo rced br idge with the cost savings in contract va lue (Ekpe ne Ukpa Bridge construct ion); Consul tant Engineer and Des igner of Anchor In s ura nce Compa ny Ltd. Headquarter Complex Uyo; Be tter Life Train ing Hall , State High Coun Comp lex; Akwa Ibom State Agri c ultural Development Proj ect (AKA DEP); Mini Stad ium for Eket. a nna andlni Loca l Govt. Counc ils; Sec rcta riat Office Complex fo r Uq uo Ibe no, Ekpe Atai and Essien Udim Loca l Govt. Co unc ils amo ngst other Ilotabk: f; 1':g ineeri ng btl i lei in gs: A wa nls/Rccognitiolls: Meri t/Recognition A ward by the Nigerian In stitute of Managemcnt. AKS Branc h. Uyo. 1992; Pl'Ofessional IVlcmbcrs hips: Corporate Me lll .. Nige rian Soc iety of Engi neers (NS E): Corpora te Mem .. In ternational Asscn of Bridge a nd Structu ra l Engineers, Zurich , Switze rl and (MIABSE): Re g is te red Mem. of COREN; Listed in Akw{/ /bolll Guide; Religious Affi liation : Catho li c; Hobbies: Reading (Ge ne ral Inte rest), Gamcs a nd S po rting Activ ities especially Squash- Racket : Civic and Political Activities: Exec utive MCIll .. Nigerian Society of Eng ineers (NSE). Uyo Branc h; Mem., Engineers Pro fe ss ional I nterv iew/Exalll ination Panel, I 995-present : V ice Pres ide nt. Uyo C lub. 1995. Office: Union Cons ultants (Consulting Eng ineers). 188 Ikot Ekpene Road. P.O. Box 2 19, Uyo Akwa Ibom State, Tel: (085) 202977
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