INYANG, Dr Emmanuel Domingo

Medical Practitio ne r, Med ical Director, Domingo Hospitals Ltd. Uyo; Chief Consu ltant General/Urological Surgeon, St. Luke's \-Iospital, Anua; LGA:: Uyo; Born: Mar. 9, 1948; Pa: Catechi st Domingo E. Inyang(d) and Mrs Felicia D. Inyang; Divorced. Children: Inyang( 18), Rosema ry( 16), Rebecca( 12), Moses(3); Education: Holy FamilyCol lege. Abak, 1963-68; Uni v. of Nigeria, Nsukka, 1970-76 ll.M. BCH; Royal College of Surgeons, Ed inburgh, Loncion, F.R.C.S .; West Afri can College of Surgeons, 1988, F.W.A.C.S.; Other Q ual ificatio ns: Assoc iate Mem. - Brit ish In st itute of Em balmers, AM BI E; Career and Work History: Pioneer Science Tutor, Sports Master, Immaculate Concept ion Sec Scll., Itak, Ikono LGA:, 1969- 70; I-louse Of'ficer, St. Luke's Hospital Anua, 1976-77; Sen ior I-lo use Office r, Mili tary Hospita l, Benin City, 1977-78, NYSC; Medical Director, Mercy Il ospitai. Abak, 1978; Surgical Res ident (Orthopaed ic Surgery) St. .lames I-I ospita l, Balham, London. 1979; Surgical Reg ist rar (Genera l and Pediatric Surgery) SI. I-Iclier Hos pital Cursha lton Surrey. Ellgland, 1980-82: Registrar (Gene ra l S"rgery alld Urology). Maidsto ne Hospita!. Kent, UK, 1983- 85: Senior Surgical Regi strar. Newham Genera l, The Londollilospital, London. 1986-87; Locum Consu ltant General/Uro logical Surgeo n, Lister Hos pita l, Slevcllage, I-Iertfo rdshire, Uk. 198 7-88; Senior Consultant General/Urologica l Surgeon and Head of Surgery. SI. Luke's Ilospit a !. Allua. 1989-93; Ctlief COllsultant General /Uro logical Su rgeo n, Hcad of Surgery, SI. Luke's Ilos pita!. Anua, Uyo, 1994- prcsellt: Career Related Activities/ Responsibilities: Chi ef Executive and Medical Director. Domillgo Ilospita is Limited. Uyo, 1994- present: Mem .. Hosp itals Management COlll mittee, St. Luke ' s Ilo sp ita!. All ua, 199 1-present ; Publications: Authored a chapter in " AkwCl Ibom Stale: The Land of Prom ise; Pro l i fic Cont ri but ions ill Mcdicnl.lournals - Nat ional and lllli.:rnat ional; Civic and Poli tical Act ivities: Pio neer and Current President , Univ. of Nigeria Alumni Asscll., AKS Branch: AKBC Telev is ion Doctor "WARD"; National Alumni Rep rese ntative Oil the Endowment Fund COlllmittee or the Governing Council, UNN ~ Past Chairman, Planni ng COlllmittee, N igerian Medical Assc ll .. AKS Branch - The Medi link; Patron, AKS Youth Assembly: Patro n,(NAKISS). UNN and Enugu Chapters; Awa rd s/Recognitions : Pillar of Private Sector Develo pmellt in AKS by AK and CRS Chambers of Comme rce. 1993; Growth Award by the Nigerian Society of Engineers, 1993; Excellence Award in Profess iona li sm by the National Asscn of AKS Students (NAKISS), Univ. ofCalabar Chapt er. 1994; Award of I-Io nour as Distingu ished Medical Practitione r, AKS Community, Nsukka, 1994; Corporate Fellowship and Merit Award, Nigerian Institute of Sales Management; Professional Memberships: Mem., Nigeri an Medical Assen Mem., British Medical Asscn; Religious Affiliation: Catholic; Hobbies: Reading, Travelling, Tennis; (Eastern Nigeria Junior DOllbrs Table Tennis Champion, 1966); Dr Inyang's motto is "Excellence in Professional Service"; Office: Domingo Hospita ls, Ubium St., Ewet Housing Estate, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State; Tel:(085) 203307; Home: Plot 9 Unit E, Ewet Housing, P.O. Box 2539, Uyo,Akwa Ibom State, Tel: (085)202785
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