INYANG, Dr Lawrence Esiet Donald

Environmentalist. Ecological Consultant. Resea rch Fellow. Envi ron menta l Affai rs, Mobil Producing Nigeria, UnLtd ; LGA: Mkpat Enin: Born: Feb 14. 1962; Pa: Ch ief Donald E. Inynng and Mrs Christiana N. Inyan g: Married to Dr. Margaret Inyang; Education: ReginaCoeli Sec Sch., Essene. 1976, WASC; Federal Sch. of Forestry, Jos. 1979, OND Forestry, Uni v. of Jos, 1984, B.Sc Botany; 1987, M.Sc. Applied Mic robio logy and Plant Patho logy: Univ. oflbadan. 1993 , Ph D. Plant and Environmental Protection; Other Qualification : Interm ed iate Computer Courses, MPN Training Sch ., 1995; Environmental Management Workshop, Uyo, 1995 and an Observer in a couple of othe rs; Career and Work History Univ. Teacher, Univ. of Uyo, I 987-present; Consultant, Shell Pe tro leum Dev. Company. 1987-90: Pre-Doctoral Fe llowshi p, N igeri an Newsprint Manufacturing Company, Oku-I bok u, 199 1-92: Consultant, Strategic Management Services, Ltd, 1993; Consultant , Joe Urua and Company Ltd, Calaba r, 1990; Resea rch Asst. , Forestry Research Inst itute of Nigeria, Sakpoba. Edo State. 1985 (NYSC); Reseorch Fellow, Environmenta l Affairs, Mobil '. Jd ucing Nigeria Un ltd, I 995-present; Career I{elated Responsibilities: inc ludes advisory ro le, envirollmentalmonitoring, waste management. Govl. rel at ion s, comm ittee M em be rsh ips, environmental audit ; Pnblications: Authored three books, e leven pape rs in profess ional journa ls. deli vered a paper at Pet roleum Indust ry Environment Managers Forum; Professional Memberships: Mem., Botanical Society of Nigeria ; Mem. , Society of Plant Protection; Mem. , Forestry Asscn of Nige ria; Mem .. Pulp and Paper Society of Nigeri a: Mem. , Qual ity Contro l Service ofN igeri a: Mem., N igerian Society for biological Conservation: Mem .. Ecological Society of Nigeria : Society of Agricul tu ra l Biologists, Mem.; Nigerian Environmenta l Society; Assoc iate Mem., Nigerian I llSI illite of Management; Religious Affiliation: Catholic; Hobbies: Readin g, SocioPhilanthropic activities. sports; Office: Environmental Affa irs Unit, Mobi l Produc ing Nigeria Unlimited, Qua IboeTerminal , P.M.B. 100 I, Eke!. Akwa Ibom State: Tcl:(085)70 1300-49.
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