INYANG, Hon. Akparawa Ime Bassey

Educationi st, Community Leader, Politic ian, ExecutiveChairman, Etin an Loca l Govt; LGA: Erinan: Born: Aug 28, 1958; p,, : Pastor Bassey D Udom Inyang and Mrs. 'Ofonime B.U. Inyang ( e1); Married to Mrs Uduak Ime Inyang; Children: Seno (5), Toyo (3), Kubiat ( I); Education: Meth odist Teachers College, Oron, Teacher Grd II Cert, GCE. 1976; Fed College of Ed ucation, Kotangora, Niger State, NCE, 1981 ; Univ ofCa labar, B.A (Ed) I-Ions, 1988; Career and Work Histol],! Teacher, Group School, Ikot Ebo/lkot Ebi ya k, 1976; Teacher, Abusi Edumare Academy, Ijebu Igbo, Ogun Srate. 198 1-82, (NYSC); QIC Sec. Commerc ial Sell., M inya. Mkpat Enin LGA, 1982-84; Sec. Technica l Sch, Mbioto II , 1984-90; Snr Masterl Vice Principal, Community Sec. Sch, Asuna, 1991 -95 ; Vice Princ ipal, Ubium Community Sec. Sch., 1\(01 Okwot, Nsit Ubium LGA. 1995-97: Vol untarily reti red from serv ice in 1997 to con tcst the Loca l GOVl Election s; Execut ive Chairman. Etinan LGA, 1997- present; Civic and Political Activities: Speaker, St udents Pari iame nt/We I fare Offi cer/Cha i rm an, Students We lfa re Committee, St udent Union Gov!. Fed College of Edu cation, Kotangora, 1979/80; National Pres., Southern Iman Youth Asscn, 1989-94; Mem, Etinan LGA Ed ucati on Authority, 1992-93; Mem, Eli nan LGA Women Development Un it, 1993: Pu bliClY Secretary, Nigerian Un ion of Teachers, Etinan LGA, 1994; Cha irm an, I kat Akpan Obio Hot Project Committee; Secretary, Mboho Mkparawa Ibibio, Et inan LGA and Mem, Central Worki ng Committee; Mem, Etinan LGA Sports Committeel Secretary, Etinan LGA Footba ll Assc n, 1994; Member, United Nigeria Congress Party (UNCP); Patron and Adviser to several clubs and organi sations; Honours and Awal'ds: Severa l; Professional Membership: Mem., Nigeri an Union of Teachers (NUT); Religious Affiliation: The Apostolic Church; Hobbies and Interests: Football, Community Service, Social acti viti es; Office: Etinan Local Govt Counc il Hqtrs, Etinan, Akwa Ibom State.
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