Accountant, Auditor, Bus in essman; LGA: Ikono; Born: Aug 26, 1926; Pa : Chief Udo Inyangette Etok (d) and Madam Adiaha Udo lnya ngette (d); Marr ied to Madam Emily George Inyangette; Child ren : An iefiok (40), Charles (3 9), Kin gs ley (3 6), Nse (34), Inyangette (32), Inemes it (25), Mfon (2 1); Ido ( 17); Educa tion: Enitona High Sch, Port Harcourt, 1946-49, Sec Sch Cert; Nigerian College of Arts, Sc ience & Technology, Ibadan, 1960-62, A.C.C .A. ( Int e r); Oth e r Qua lific a tions : Asscn. Mem, Asscn of Inco rporated Accounta nts; Car eer and Work Histo r y;Teacher, Una Sch, Port Harcourt, 1942-44; Account Clerk, John I-I \, lt Ltd, Port Harcourt, 1951 -57; Asst ",ccountant, Method ist Church, Eastern N ig Distri ct, 1958-60; Area Acco un ta nt, Methodist Church, Nig, 1963-67; Ca .. ee .. Re late d Act i vit ies a nd Respo ns ib ili ties: Cha irman, Fina nce & Appropriat ion Committee, CRS Ho use of Assembly, 1980-83; Directo r, Mercant ile Ba nk ofNig, Calaba r, 1977-79; Political Activit ies : Mem, Defunct Nationa l Party of N ig, CRS, 1979-83 ; Adv ise r, Defunct Nati ona l Republican Convent io n, AKS; Honours: Obong Unwana of Iko no, Ikono Tradit iona l Cou ncil , 198 1; Officer of the Ord er of Wes leys, Confe rence of Meth od ist Church, Nigeri a, Calabar, 1996; P r ofession a l Membe rs hips : Mem, Assoc of Inco rp orated Acco untan ts of Nig; Religious Affili ation: Methodist; Hob bies: Readin g, Singin g; Office: George In yangette & Co, 69 Udo Otu ng Ubo St, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State; Home: Ibiak u Iko t Ede!, Ikono Local Gov!. Area.
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