IORNEM, Dr. David

M.Sc, Ph.D, manage ment consultant, born August 15,1949, Ukan, Benue State; married Esther and Member Ape 1980, four sons, three daughters; Education: SIM Primary School, Aku, 1959-65, Kaduna Government College, Kaduna, 1966-70, Ka duna Polytechnic, 1971-73, Scottish Busi ness School, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburg,Scotland, 1976-78, GraduateBusi ness School, Kesington University, Glenddale, California, USA, 1978-80; St. Clement's University, SouthAustralia, 1997; Career: Appointed Sales Manager, Lever Brothers Nigeria Limited, 1973-76; Sales Services Director, New Idea Limited, 1981- 83; Senior Lecturer/Senior Principal Lecturer, department of marketing, Kaduna Polytech nic, 1984-89; Head, Department, Marketing Purchasing and Supply, Kaduna Polytechnic, 1986-89; Client Services Director, New Idea Limited, since 1989; Consultant, Benue State MinistryofFinanceand EconomicPlanning, 1981-83; Consultant, StaffTraining for World Bank Assisted Projects, 1988; Consultant, Economic Studies Group, London, since 1993; Consultant, Benue Cement Company Pic, 1994, 1995, 1998; Adjunct Professor, Union Graduate School, Cincinatti, USA, 1984; Visiting Lecturer, Ahmadu Bello Uni versity, 1985; Visiting Lecturer, Bayero Uni versity, since 1995; Consultant, Universities Mons Calpe, Switzerland, since 1997;Con sultant and Visiting Lecturer, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, since 1997; fellowship, Institute of Management Consultants, 1985; member, governing coun cil, Federal University ofTechnology, Akure, 1981-84; Secretary, Nigeria Economic Soci ety, Kaduna, 1987; Publicity Secretary, defunct Social Democratic Party, 1990; Sena tor, Federal Republicof Nigeria, 1992;mem ber, Senate Foreign Affairs Committee; mem ber, Senate Petroleum Resources Committee; Senate Communications Committee; Senate Committee on Information; member, Adver tising Practitioners Council ofNigeria, 1994; Award/Honour: Recipient, Ford Founda tion/Social Science Research Council Scholar, 1987-88; recipient, United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organisation UNESCO Award, 1970; re cipient, Chairman's Prize for Best All Round Student, Kaduna Polytechnic, 1973; Politi cal Party: member, defunct Social Demo cratic Party, 1992; Publications: Co-author, Marketing Theory for Practitioners, Nige ria Institute of Management, 1987; How to Win Elections: Tactics and Strategies, JUC Press, Kaduna, 1995; Political Campaigns: Techniques of Communication, Advertising andMarketing, JUC Press, Kaduna, 1995; New Trends in Business Consulting, Zeno Yokohama, Japan, 1996and Institute ofMan agementConsultants, Kaduna, 1997;Matters Arising: EconomicandManagement Consul tancy Issues, The Institute of Management Consultants, Kaduna, 1998; How to Be a Manager in Ten Minutes, JUC Press, 1998; Recruitment ofSalesmen in Nigeria, Man agement in Nigeria, April, 1979; Planning a Firm's CapitalStructure, Management in Ni geria, 1979; Innovative Marketing Commu nications, Marketing in West Africa, 1979; Industrial Democracy - Prospects for a Board Room Revolution, Bagauda Trade Journal, 1980; Changing Nigeria through Management Techniques, GEM, 1981; How to Put on a Show, Official Catalogue: 7th Organisation of African Unity Trade and Tourism Fair, 1997; Official Address: The Institute of Management Consultants, 8th Floor,NNDC Building, 18/19,Ahmadu Bello Way, P.O. Box 9194, Kaduna, Kaduna State. Telephone: 062-214073.
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