IRONDI, Dr Emezuo Obonna

B.A, M.A, Ph.D;universttylecturer, b: July 14,1937; p: Etinan; ht: OwoAhiafo; Iga:Obingwa;so:Abia;m: JoyNkem Chukwuocha, 1987; nc: one s, one d; ed: Owo GroupSc iool,OwoAhiafo, 1942-52; St Paul*sCommercialCollege,Aba,Abia State,1952-55; Salvation. ArmyTeacher'sCollege,Akai-Ubium, 1960-61,1963-64;AdvancedTeacher's College,Owo, Ahiafo, 1966-67, 1970-71;University of Dakar, Senegal, 1972-73; Universite de Poitiers, Tours 1973; Washington University St. Louis,USA, 1978 University of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign, USA, 1979- 84;en Manager, Faith Tabamacle Schools,1956-57; Teacher, Eastern NgwaCountryArea,1958-71; Broadcaster-ContinuityAnnouncer/Progamme Presenter, Voice of Biafra 1967-70; Reporter,Daily Sketch, Ibadan, Oyo State, 1970-73; English/French Tutor,GirlsSecondary School,Nkwerre,1972- 77; Part-time Ucturer, Universityof PortHarcourt, River State; 1986-82; Ucturer,Federal CollegeofEducation,Obudu, 1988-89; Ucturer,AbiaState Univesity,Uturu, 1989; snr. Ucturer, Abia State University, 1996;mm: ComparativeandIntemational Education Society,AmericanEducation Research Associastion;American PoliticsofEducationalAssocition;National Association for EducaionalAdministration and Planning;Curriculum Organisationof Nigeria.ah: Joint Nigerianand French Government Scholarship for Best Student inFrench,Advanced Teacher's Training College, Owerri, Graduating Class, 1971;French Government Scholarship for Best Student in French Unguage andLiterature, UniversityofDakar, Senegal, 1973;publ:Group Processes and Group DynamicsInthe Social Sciences, Barliz Publishers, Owerri,ImoState, 1996;Education: Curriculum, Instruction, Management, andPolicyStrategies, Crystal Publishers,OwerriImoState,1998;Management andAdministrationofSecondaryEducationIssues, Policies,Realities, and Challenges,Totan PublishersOwerri, 1998;cw: Poet-FestivalofArts, first prize winner for four years, Eastern Region; hob:Scrabble, reading, swimming, study of religion; off: School of Educational Administration,and Foundations, Abia State University, P.M.B. 2000, Uturu Abia State; res: No. 8 Elezuo Street Okigwe, Imo State, tel: 088-420482;08035429848; pha: OwoAhiafo," Aba, Abia State.
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