IRUKERA, Barr. Babatunde Ayokunle

LL.B, B.L; legal practitioner, consultant administrator, b: September 4,1968; p: Kaduna;ht: Egbe;Iga: YagbaWest; so: Kogi;m: Mabel FolukeMesaiyete, May 14,1994; nc: two sons, one daughter; ed: University of Ilorin Staff School, 1978-80; Federal Govt. College, Ilorin, 1980-85; ObafemiAwolowoUniversity, 1985-89; Nigeria LawSchool, 1989-90;cr: Counsel, Rims Merchant Bank, Lagos, 1990-92; General Counsel,Associated Properties&TrustPIc, Ugos, 1992-95; Partner, Thomas&Irukera, Chicago, 1996-2000; Managing Partner, Partners,Attorneys &Counselors, LLC, Chicago, 2000-06; Partner, Simmonscooper Partners, Ugos, since2006;Nigeria Government Ugal Representative, Privatization Process; Counsel, Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission; Ugal Representative, International Tribunals including the ECOWAS Court of Justice in dispute arisingout ofoil block bid roundsand compliance with Ucal content Legislation; Consultantto Federal Govt.&OilCompanies in extra-territorial litigationunderthe Alien TortsClaimsStatr»& the Liability implication forjoint venturepartners& possiblescopeof discoveryinvolved in the development of anti trust legislation & regime in Nigeria; Ugal Consultant Securities Litigation, investments&divestment, joint venture; oilblockacquisitions; product liability; fiduciary dutiesofdirectors; intellectual property;CrossBorderLitigation; ProviderCapacity-building advisory services to Federal Agencies; Ugal Representatives to the Federal & Kano State GovernmentsinaCorporate misconductcaseagainstglobal pharmaceutical giant leadingto a settlement yet in Nigeria; mm: NigeriaBarAssociation; American Bar Association; International Bar Association; Africa Bar Association; Washington State Bar Association; American Society of International Uw; Africa fnterestGroup;v-ch., AmericaBarAssociation, African Committee; served as liaison between the Intemational Sector & AfricaBarAssociation; Participant, previous ILEXdelegate toAfrica;Admitted before the US Court ofAppeals for the Seventh & Fourth Circuits & the prestigious Federal Trial Bar,h: Cited in theWho's Who Ugal International; Profiled inthe American Uwyer&Spiegel;off: SimmonsCoopersPartners, Victoria Island,Ugos.
Gender: Male
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Father's Name
Mother's Name
Working Experience
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