IRUKWU, Chief Joseph Ogbonnaya

LLB, BL, MBA, Ph.D, lawyer, insurance expert, administrator, born July 20, 1934, Item, Bende, Abia State; married Eno Maria Btuk, has five children; Education: St Society of Lincoln's Inn, London, 1963, Career: Called to the Nigerian Bar, 1962; Legal Adviser and Assistant Genemi Manager, West African Provincial Insurance Company Limited, La gos, 1962-70; Lecturer in Insurance, Univer sity of Lagos, 1970-81; Managing Director and Chief Executive, Unity Life and Fire In surance Company, Lagos, 1970-82; Chair man, Nigerian Loans Board, 1972; Manag ingDirectorand Chief Executive, Nigeria Re- Insurance Corporation, 1977-JuIy 1989; member, Board of Governors, West African Insurance Institute, Monrovia, Liberia, since 1978; Visiting Professor of Insurance Law and Management, College of Insurance and Risk Management, West African Insurance Institute, Monrovia, since 1979; External Ex aminer in Insurance Studies, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1976-82; member, UN Committee of Experts on Transnational Cor porations (with special reference to insurance and re-insurance), 1977-80; member, United Nations Conference on Trade and Develop ment (UNCTAD), Committee of Experts on Insurance and Allied subjects in developing countries; editor-in-chief, Nigerian Insurance Year Book; member, Nigerian Bar Associa tion, since 1962; member, British Insurance LawAssociation, 1963;member, Nigerian In stitute of Management, since 1964; fellow, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, England; editor-in-chief, Journal of the West African Insurance Companies Association, since 1974; President, Insurance Institute of Nigeria, 1976-77 and its life Councillor; President, Nigerian Insurance Law Association, since 1977; member, Board of Electors of the In surance Hall of Fame; President, West Afri can Insurance Companies Association, 1979; member, Board of Directors, International In surance Seminars Inc, since 1981; fellow, British Institute of Management; member, Na tional Executive, Nigerian Bar Association and Chairman Management Committee, Ni gerian Lawyers' Benevolent Scheme, since 1982; President, Nigerian Insurance Associa tion, 1983; member, National Board for Tech nical Education, 1984; member, Presidential Council of the World Association of Insur ance Lawyers; President, Nigerian Insurance Law Association; member, Presidential Coun cil of the World Congress on Insurance Law; member, Committee of Experts on National Transport Policy for Nigeria; President, Pro fessional Reinsurance Association of Nige ria (PRAN), since 1988; member, Govern ing Council of Nigeria Insurance Authority; (NIA), founding President, Professional Re- Insurance Association of Nigeria, President, FacultyofRisk Management(FARIM), Presi dent African Insurance Educators Agency, Chairman, International Finance and Alhed Traders Exhibition and Conference (1PATEC) Limited, member, Committee of experts on former Chairman African Continental Bank (ACB) former Chairman co-operative and Commerce Bank (CCB), Chairman ADIC; Honorary Degrees: Doctorate degree of Law of Abia State University, 1994; Award: Re cipient, Ernest Mayer Foundation award, 1977, Gold Medal award of the African - In surance Organisation, Addis Ababa, 1983 and in Harare, Zimbabwe, 1988, Gold Medal award by WestAfrican InsuranceCompanies Association, Banjul,The Gambia, 1984,Gold Medal and Certificate of Merit by the Fed eration of Afro-Asian Insurers and re-insur ers, Beijing, China, 1985;The Federation of French-Speaking National Insurance Compa nies Awards (PANAP), 1993, Abia State Merit Award, John's Bekley Founders'Awards for Excellence; recipient, Abia State Merit Award for Outstanding and Meritorious Ser vice, 1992; Traditional Title: Omezioha of Item; Publications: Insurance Law and Practice In Nigeria, Franklin Books, and Caxton Press, Ibadan, 1967; Accident and Motor Insurance in West Africa: Law and Practice Caxton Press, Ibadan, 1974; In surance Management In Africa Caxton Press, Ibadan, 1977; Reinsurance In The Third World, Caxton Press, Ibadan, 1980; Insurance Law In Africa: Cases, Statutes and Prin ciples, Witherby and Company, London, 1987; in addition to numerous articles on Insurance in national and international jour nals; Hobbies: lawn tennis, photography, dancing, writing, cycling; Official Address: c/o Nigerian Reinsurance Corporation, Ma rina, PMB 12766, Lagos; Telephone: 01- 666-009, 666-013,666-019, 666-032.
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