ISIUGO-ABANIHE, Prof. Uche Charlie

Prof. Uche Charlie M; BA, MPS, MA, Ph.D; demographer, university lecturer, consultantb: July 27,1949; ed:Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. USA, 1977; 1978; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1980; 1983; cr: Research Asst; University of Pennsylvania, 1979; Data Bank Manager, Provision Studies Centre, University of Pennsylvania, 1979-80; Researcher, The World Bank; Population, Health and Nutrition dept The World Bank, 1983; Research associate, sampling dept; institute for Survey Research, Temple University, Philadelphia, 1982- 84; Research Associate .Population Studies Centre, UniversityofPennsylvania, 1984-85;research £1992-93; Lecturer, since1985; presently, prof.Demography Department of Sociology, University oflbadan; Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, currently; mm. The NewYorkAcademyofSciences; Secretary General; Nigeria Sociological Society, Nigerian Anthropological and Sociological Association; International Union for the Scientific study of population; Population AssociationofAmerica; Financial Secretary, Population Assoc ofNigeria;editor-in-chief, Union of African Population Studies; Supervisor, Administrative Staff, Dept ofSociology, 1985-86;Coordinator, Masters Programme, Industrial&Labour Relations, 1987-88; Post-graduate programmes, 1991-97; ag. head, dept. of Sociology,1997-99; Dept Rep; Faculty of Planning Committed, faculty ofsocial Sciences, 1987-90; Faculty rep; Appointment and Promotions Committee, Administrative Staff, since 1996; ConsultantThe World bank,Washington D.C, USA, 1983; Centres for Disease Control, Atlanta,USA, 1984; Institute for Survey Research, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA, 1984;United Nations'Regional Institute for Population Studies, 1990r96; Centre for Econometric and Allied research, University of Ibadan, since 1987; Association of Voluntary Surgical Contraception, 1990-91; United Nations Fund, Ugos, 1995; MacArthur Foundation Fund, leadership Development Programmes; Centre for Development and Population Activities, Ugos, 1997; National Population Commission, Abuja, 1997-98; Integrated Family LifeEducation Project Nembe, 1996-99; Centre for DevelopmentandPopulation Activities, 2000; National Population Commission, Abuja, 1999 & 2001; Pathfinder Intemational, Ugos, 2000-01; Centre for Development and Population Activities, 2002; MacArthur Foundation Fund for Leadership Development 2002; ee: University ofGhana, Legon;Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife; University ofLagos, Ugos; Ogun State Univers" j,Ago-Iwoye; University of Ado-Ekiti, Ado-Ekiti; mm: Faculty of Post-graduate Committee, 1991-99; Senate, Universityoflbadan, since 1995;University ofIbadan 50thAnniversary Committee, 1997-98; Universityoflbadan Vision for the21stCommittee, 40th AnniversaryCommittee, faculty o^social sciences, 2002; various panels ofthesenior staffdisciplinarycommittee, since 2001; f: populationCouncil, University ofPennsylavania, Philadelphia, 1992-93; Rockefeller Foundation research, 1979-CO; PopulationCouncil; award: Federal GovernmentofNigeria Scholarship, Cornell University, 1973-78; Federal Government ofNigeria Scholarship, 1982-83. publ: The use ofthe computer inanalyzing survey andinterview data; SocialResearchandInformation Gathering, pp.42-48, Federal Government Press,1987;HighBride Wealthandageatmarriage in Igboland; inEtinneVan deWalle&J. A.Ebigbola (eds); The Cultural Roots ofAfricanFertilttyregirnes;op.\-\S,PopulaMonStudiesCenu^ 1987;Thedynamics ofNigeria's Population; relevance for National Guidance, National Orientation Movement pp.43-55; Ministry of Information, Ugos, \9S9,Sexualbehaviourin marriage; Coitalfrequency, Extramaritalrelations, andrisk ofAids inUrban Nigeria, in "Reproductive HealthandFamily in Africa". Pp555-582, Unionfor Africa Population Studies, Dakar, 1993; ConsequencesofBride Wealth Changes inNuptiality Patternsamong the Ibo ofNigeria, inCaroline Bledsoe&G Pison (eds), "Nuptiality inSub- SaharanAfrica;ContemporaryAnthropological&Demographic Perspectives, pp. 74-91, Oxford University Press, Undon,1994; Teenage Reproductive Health problems inthe Riverine Areas inNigeria; The Nembe Experience, "ProceedingsoftheConferenceon African Population in the 21stcentury. Vol. 1.5.UAPS, Dakar, 2001;with about27 publications, published in a learned journal off: Department of Sociology, University of Ibadan, Oyo
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