ISONG, Nne Clementine

Civil Servant, Biochemical Nutritionist, Retired Director-General; Born: Jun. 26, 1938; Pa: Benson Akpaete(d) and Hannah B. Akpaete( d); Married to Dr Clement Isong; Children: Ekaete(38), Clement Jnr(36), Umoh(34), Eno(30), Inyang(28), Ubong(23); Education: Etinan Institute, Etinan, 1950-53; Women's Teacher Training College, Enugu, 1954-57; Howard Univ. Washington D.C. U.S.A, 1963-66; B.Sc. Biochemical Nutrition, Howard Univ. Graduate Sch., 1965-67, M. Sc. Nutritional Biochemistry; Other Qualifications: Minor in Education, Howard Univ. Graduate Sch.; Career and Work History: Etinan Institute, 1958-59; Girls Modem Academy, Lagos, 1960-62; Aunty Ayo Comprehensive High Sch., Lagos, 1967 -68; Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Lagos, 1968-69; UAC of Nigeria, 1970-80; Asst. Chief Education Officer, MinistJyofLocal Govt., CRS Gov!., 1980-82; Deputy Chief Education OfTJCeI', Min. of Local Gov!., CRS Govt, 1982-85; Chief Education Officer, State Schools Management Board, 1985-86; Chief Inspector of Education, State Schools Management Board, 19&5-86; Chieflnspector of Education, State Schools Management Board, CRS govt, 1986-87; ChieflnspectorofEducation, State Education Board. AK$, 1988-90; Director of Education, Min. of Ed ucation, Youth and Sports, AKS, 1991-94; Director-General, Min. of Industry, Commerce and Touri sm, AKS, 1994; Director General, Min. of Education, Youth and Sports, AKS, 1994- 1996; Career Related Activities and Responsibilities: Chairm an, Board of Committee on Investigat ion of Problems of AK Industrial Development Finance Company Ltd, 1994; Mem., Committeeon the Review of Teaching Service Regulations, 1'985; Mem., State Comm ittee on Management of Education, 1985-88; Mem., National Counci l on Educati on, 1987-94; Mem.,. Implementation Committee on Education, 1986-87; Chairman, Group 4 Staff Audit, 1989; Mem., Panel in Negotiations with ICON and other Cred itor Banks, 1994; Mem., National Counci l on Commerce and Industry, 1994; Participant, various Conferences, Seminars and Workshops; Special Work Related Achievements : Mem. of WAEC council, Federal Gov!. Nominee, I 986-present; Mem. of Delegation (Representing the FG) for the 40th Session of UNESCO Conference on Education in Geneva, 1986; Mem., Techn ical Committee on the Funding of Primary Schools, 1987; Publications: Various Articles and Reports; Civic Activities: A Mem. of National Council of Women 's Societ ies; Mem., International Women Society; Mem., Esop Ufon lban, AKS; Mem., Nigerian Girl Guides; Elected, Mem. of Sigma XI, the Science Research Society of America in Recognition ofPersollal Perform ances and Interest in Sciences and Scientific Research: Profess ional Memberships: Mem., New York Academy of Sciences; Mem., Nutriti on Society of Nigeria; Mem., Nigerian Institute of Foods, Science and Technology; Mem., Nigerian In stitute of Management; Listed in In1ernalionai Leaders ill Achievelllel1l, Foremosl Women of Ihe Twel1lielh CeIlIIllJI, 1988; Religious Affiliation: Qua Iboe; Hobbies: Farming. Reading,; Apart from Ibibio and English, Mrs Isong is nuent in Efik, Yoruba, Ibo and French: Home: 7 O. U. Utuk Street, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State.
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