IWUALA, Prof. Moses Onwukwe Edom

B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D; medical parasitologistand entomologist ad-ministrator, b: June 20,1944,ht: Abba, Nkwerre/lsu, So: Imo; m:Christiana Adaugo Onyeji 1969, nc:two s, five d; ed: Ibadan City Council School, Mokola, 1952-56; Ibadan Boys' High School, 1957-61; University ofNigeria, Nsukka, 1963-67; University of Undon, UK, 1971-74; cr: Snr. Science Master, Iheme Grammar School, Ndizuogu, 1967-70; Ucturer/Snr. Lecturer in Zoology, University ofNigeria, Nsukka, 1970-78; Research dir. World Health Organisation Arbovirus Project Enugu 1978-81; prof/Head, Department ofZoology, University ofJos, 1981 - 82; Dean, School ofPost-Graduate Studies, UniversityofJos, 1982-87; mm. GovemingCouncil, University ofJos, 1984-88, Govern-ing Council, Imo State University, 1987-88; Instituteof Biology, Undon, 1975; British Society ofParasitology England, dir. Academic Planningand Develop-ment University ofJos, 1987-88; ch. Board ofConsultancy Services, University ofJos, 1988; f: Linnean Society, London, since 1976, Royal Entomological Society, England.Nigerian Society for Parasitology, since 1983, Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,American Society ofTropical Medicine and Hygiene; tt OjinmutaofAbbaTown December 1984. publ: The Nature of PostgraduateStudies(University ofJos Press, 1983). hob: reading, gardening, tennis, off: Director ofAcademicPlanningand Development Officeof the Vice-Chancellor, University of Jos, PMB 2084, Jos; Plateau State, tel: 073- 453731,455930. res: House 5,Road 16, Bauchi Road, Senior Steff Quarters, University of Jos, Jos, Plateau State, tel:073-53731.
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