IYAGBA, Prof. Reuben Omonikweinka

BSc, MRP, MSc, Dr. Arch,PhD, architect engineer, academic, administrator, b:January 3,1946; p:Okrika; ht: Okrika; Iga: Okrika; so:,Rivers; m: Orubo, December 17, 1977; nc:fives>ed: Okrikf ToysSchool, Okrika,1950-56;OkrikaGrammar School, 1957-61; University ofNigeria, Nsukka, 1966-67; AhmaduBello University.Zaria, 1968-71; University of Genova, Italy, 1971-74; Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, 1974-73; en Architectural Asst, Lagos State Executive Development Board, .970; Union Corporation, Undon, 1972;Architectural/Civil Engir.eeringAsst., Beardsley&BeardsleyAssociates, Auburn, NewYork,USA, 1978-79; SeniorAr:hitect RiversStateHousing Corporation, Port Harcourt, 1979-80; Honorary Lecturer inArch,Syracuse Jniversity, NewYork,1975-76; LecturerL Dept.ofArchitecture, University of Ugos, 1980-82; Acting Head, Dept. of BuildingTechnology, 1982-86; 1988-90;ActingHead, Deptof Building Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, 1986-88; 1992-95; Senior ResearchFellow, UniversityofBath,UK, 1990- 91;Senior Ucturer, UniversityofUgos, 1986-95; Professor, De;r. of Building, since .'995;ActingDean, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, i999-99; Dean, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, 2001 -05; Prof. Rivers State University of Science & Technology, Port Harcourt, 2006-07; ee: Obafemi Awolowo Un)vt sity, lle-lfe, since1984; 1998-05;Anambra StateUniversity, Enugu, 1990; UniversityofJos, 1999; Federal University of Technology, Akure, 2001 -05; Nigerian Institute of Building; Nigeria Institute ofBuilding; Nigerian Institute ofArchitect; Designed Projects; Veterans Administrative Hospital, NewYork; Houghton College's Physical Education Centre; Hydrology Uboratory forWater Pit Associates, Port Harcourt; Exhibition and Craft Centre forArts andCulture, Ugos; Presidential Housing Estate Phase II, Housing Corporation, Port; larcourt; Elekohia Housing Estate Phase II, Port Harcourt Nigerian Airways Headquarters, Ikeja, Ugos State; Ugton Estate, Lekki,Ugos;TheUltimate Charry Specialist Medical Centre, Dideolu Estate, Victoria Island Extension, Ugos;Tea Factory, Ota, Ogun State and many othersincluding residential houses;mm: UniversityofUgos Senate,1986; since2000;Senate Board, UniversityofUgos Libraries, 1984-86; Senate Representativeon:JuniorStaff,2001-05;AdministrativeandTechnicalStaff Unit, Since 2005; SenateCommittee,on Students Malpractices; Faculty AdmissionsCommittee, 1980-86; 2001-05;FacultyAdmissionOfficer, 1982- 85;Faculty CourseReviewCommittee;Faculty Examinations Officer,1980- 81;Consultancy Services Review Committee;Departmental Postgraduate Studies;UniversityBoardofContinuingEducation, 1980-85;Committeeon Proposed UniversityLibraryExtension, 1992;Appointment Board Dept.of Building, University of Ife,1984-86; National University Commission Panel Designing Standards for Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Nigerian Universities; Accreditation PanelsonMinimumAcademic Standards for Nigeria Universities; Chairman ofthe Panel to ObafemiAwolowoUniversity, lle-lfe, MajorGeneralKontagora'sPanelto define rolesofBuildersasdistinct from Architects, Federal Ministry ofWorks, 1989-90; Panel on University of UgosContractAwardSystem ReviewCommittee, 1995;Chairman,Faculty ofEnvironmental Science Professional and non Professional Committees, 2001-05; FacultyJoumai Editorial Committee, 1995-97; 1998-01; Sole Initiator, Postgraduate Diplomain Building, 1984-89; MSc& PhDprogram inConstructionManagement since 1984;ConstructionTechnology, 1984- 89;mm: American InstituteofPlanningOfficials, 1974;NigerianTechnical Teachers Institute, 1984; Nigerian Institute of Building, 1995; publ: has about60 well researched published articles in national and international Journals. Attendedseveral workshopsandseminars inNigeria, Europe,America andAsia;ah: Okrika DistrictScholarshipforbest inQualifyingExamination, 1957;Federal Government Scholarship, 1968-71; Rivers State government Scholarship, 1971-75;award: Estatemanagement Students Award,2001; BuildingStudentsUnionAward,2000;NigeriaInstitute ofBuilding, Ugos StateChapterAward,2000; St Thomas More CatholicCommunity, University ofUgos,Award forDedication toworkandrespect fordignity of labour, May 1,2005;KirikeseCommunityUgos Award,2005;Ung and Distinguished Service Award, University ofUgos, 2007;YoungMen,Christian Association, AVMCCathedral IkejaAward,2007;Urban andRegional Planning IDepartment University of Ugos Award forSuccessful Presentation of Inaugural Lecture; Construction ManagementThD Holderssupervisedby ?rof. lyagba'sAward, 2005;sc: Port Harcourt SportClub;University ofUgos StaffClub; YMCAS Chorister, AnglicanChurch,St. Peters OkrikaandAhmaduBelloUniversity; First to alertNigeriansinan inaugural lectureairedbyNTAon theexistence of sickbuildingsyndrome andwouldliketoberemembered for beingthefirst toproduce thebestPhD thesis inthebuiltenvironmentand for producing the largest numberofPhDs; hob:swimming, music,table tennis; off: Department of Building, Faculty ofEnvironmental Sciences, University of Ugos;Akcka Ugos; e-m: [email protected]; tel: 08022903997; res: 4,Oritshe JoIop;' ThomasCrescent, UniversityofUgos Akoka,Ugos; pha:lyagba'a Companc*. Ibaka,Okrika, Rivers State
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