IYER, Prof. G. Y. N.

Head, Department of Biochemistry, Uni versity of Calabar, Nigeria, born June 21, 1929 at Ambalapuzha (India); Education: Kerak University; Qualifications B.Sc, (1949 - First Class); M.Sc. (1951 - First Class); Ph.D., (1959); Appointment held: Teaching of Biochemistry in Medical Colleges since appointment in 1951 as a foundation member of the Academic Staff of tiie first State Government Medical College: Asso ciate Professor/Head, 1965; Appointed Direction and Professor of Biochemistry/Head. (Postgraduate Department), 1977; Head, Clinical Biochemistry Service of Teaching Hospitals 1962-78; Appointed Professor of Biochemistry, University of Calabar in September, 1978; Appointed Head of Department for a 3 year term in February 1979. Publications: At least, 35 research publications; guided postgraduate research in M.Sc. and Ph.D.; Areas of interest include: MetoboUsm of cnythrocytes and leukocytes; Clinical Biochemistry; Intermediary Metabolism; Clubs and other Asso ciations Member, New York Academy of Sciences: served the University of Calabar as Chairman, Central Admissions Committee; Member, Senate Research Grants Comittee, and the University of Ibadan as External Examiner (Ph.D.); Address: Department of Bio chemistry, Medical School, Uni versity of Calabar, Nigeria.
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