IYOH A, Prof. Milton A.

B.A, M.A, Ph.D;economist academic,consultant; ed: Summa Cum Uude, Oberlin, USA, 1966;Yale University, USA, 1967; 1970; cr: Associate Editor, Nigerian Journal ofEconomicandSocial Studies, 1976-81;United Nations Economic Commission forAfrica, 1991;World Bank, 1993-94;2001-03;United Nations Development Programme, 1994- 95; African Economic ResearchConsortium, 1997-07;International Ubour Organization, 19%; 1999-2000; 2003; Nigeria EconomicandFinancial Review, 2000-06; West Africa Monitory Institute, 2001;WestAfrica fnstitute for financial and Economic Management,since 2001; Professor, and Head, Department of Economics andStatistics, University ofBenin, Benin City; ProfessorandDean,College ofArtsandSocial Sciences, Igbinedion University, Okada,EdoState;Consultant,African CapacityBuilding Foundation, since 2004;African Forum & Network on Debt and Development,since 2005; World Bank,since2006;mm:AfricanEconomic Society,VicePresd. Nigerian Economic Society, 1996-97; Nigerian Statistical Association; WestAfrican Economic Association; BrookingsResearch Fellowin Economics, 1969-70; Harold StonierFellow in Intemational Economics, YaleUniversity, 1967-68; publ:Intermediate Macroeconomics, MindexPublishing, BeninCity,2007; Applied Econometrics, Mindex Publishing, Benin City, 2004; Macro Economics;Theory and Policy, Mindex Publishing, Benin City, 2004; Macroeconomics for a Developing World, Miyo Educational Publishers, 1998; Macroeconomics, An AfricanPerspective, MiyoConsultLtd,Benin City, f996; Industrialization and Its Effects ina Developing Economy, Eddy PackPublishers, Ltd, Benin City, 1979;co-Author,International Tradeand Finance, Mindex Publishing, BeninCity,2005;Introduction to Econometrics March Publishers, Benin City, 2004;Theory of Economic Development and Planning, Socent Press, Benin City, 2004; An Introduction to Modem Microeconomics, Mindex Publishing, Benin City, 2002; Managerial Economics, March Publishers, Benin City, 2002; Mathematical Economics, An Introduction, Mareh Publishers, Benin City, 2000; Urbanization and Nigerian Economic Development Nigerian Economic Society, Ibadan, 1979; off: College ofArts and Social Sciences, Igbinedion University, Okada, Edo State; tel: 08035733559; e-m: [email protected].
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