Cartoonist, Illustrator, Painte. Address: Centre for Cultural Studies, University of Lagos, Akoko- Yaba, Lagos. Birth: April 19, 1945, in lkere-Ekiti, Ondo State. Training: Yaba College of Technology, 1965-1969; E\ (First Class lions) in fine irts, Ahmadu Bello University, 1973; MA, 1981 and PhD in art history, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA, 1983. Profile: Full name Omodele Jegede; published hundreds of cartoons in the Nigerian press, since 1972; graphic arts offia r, North Eastern State Ministry of Education, Maiduguri, 1973-1974; ;->ook illustrator, from 1973; art editor, Daily limes of Nigeria, 1974-19 '7; part-time lecturer, Yaba College of Technology. 1977-1979 and. 1984-1986; associate instructor, African Studies, Indiana University, Bloomington. 1980-1982 research f» How, Centre Cor Cultural Studies, University of Lagos, 1977-1986; senior research fellow, from 1985; Fulbright scholar, Rpelman College.. Atlanta, G r.rgia USA, 1987-1988; acting director, Centre for Cultural Studies, Lagos. Member: Ai ts Council of the .African Studies Association; Nigerian Society for Education Through Art; Society of Nigerian Artists. Solo Exhibitions Gong Gallery, Lagos, October 12-26, 1974. Gong Gallery, Lagos, December 18-31, 1976. Italian Cultural Institute, Lagos, December 2-11, 1977. Goethe Institute, Lagos, July 6-18. 1978. Political Cartoon;. The Lilly Lioraiy, Bloomington, Indians, USA, October 24-30, 1980. "Paradise Battered," National 1'heatre, Lagus, July 4-18, 1986. Group Exhibitions Institute of Admi \istration, Ahmad.. I'cllo University, Zaria 1972. Students of the Department of Fine Arts, Ahamdu Bello University, Zaria [and] Lagos, ca.1974 "Nigerian Art in the 70's," University of Ife, Ile-Ife, March 16-April 20, 1976. "National Art Exhibition," National Theatre, Lagos, October 2-9, 1976. FESTAC '77, Lag*, s, 1977. University of Lag )s Women's Society, Lagos, February 1978. fourth Indian Triennial of Cot temporary World Art, New Delhi, India, 1978. "National Art Exhibition," Society of Nigerian Artists, National Theatre, Lagos, September 30-< October 7, 1978. Lintas Golden Ar. Exhibition, Lagos, October 1978. "National Art Exhibition," National Theatre, Lagos, September 25-October 1, 1980. "Ausstellung Nig nanische Kunst der Gegenwart," Bonn, Germany, August 9—!8, 1982. "Exhibition of Nigerian Contemporary Art," 1slamabad, Pakistan, 1983. "Offerings from the Gods," National Theatre, Lagos, June-July 1985. "Silver Jubilee National Art Exhibition," National Theatre, Lagos; Lugard Hall, Kaduna, September 26-October i, 19«5. "Man in Focus," National Theatre, Lagos, December 20, 1985-January 10, 1986. • Second Biennial Art Exhibition, Havana, Cuba, November !986. "Towards a Greater Nation," Italian Cultural Institute, Lagos, December 5-19, 1987. "Reflections: An Art Exhibition of the Society of Nigerian Artists," National Theatre, Lagos, December 16-30, 1988. "Creative Dialogue: SNA at 25," National Theatre, Lagos, Kovember 27-December 10, 1989. "Zaria Art School." National Gallery of Crafts & Design, Lagos, 1990. "Images of the Nigerian Nation " National Theatre, Lagos, September 29-Octob':r 13, 1990. Commissions Cover design, University of Lagos Inaugural Lecture Series Alumni crest, University of Lagos Lagos Logo, Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, Lagos Series of greeting cards for Principal Officer; of the University of Lagos, Lagos. Crest and academic robot, Lagos otate University, Apapa, Lagos. Logo, Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation, Lagos. Writings by the Artist "Student Art," Nigeria Magazine (Lagos) no. 113: 32-40, September 1974. AConsideration of Patronag: in Nig rrian iri. r ' \ thesis, Indiana University, Bloomington, 198 . [unpublished]. "Made in Nigeria At ists: Problems »nd Anticipations," Black Orpheus (Lagos) 4 (1): 31-35, 1981. "'Made-in-Nieeria' Artists: Problems and Anticipations," Nigeria Magazine (Lagos) no. 14*: 22-37, 1983. Trends in Contemporari Nigerian Art: AHistorical Analysis. PhD lissertation, Indiana University, 1983. \nn Arbo-: University Mi-"cfilms Interna zonal, 1983. 414pp. illus., bibliog. Pre-University Art: Catalogue ofExhibition Sponsored by the Centre for Cultural Studies, University of LagO: fertile 1984 Convocation Ceremony, January 1984. Lagos: Centre for Cultural Studies, University of Lagos by Lagos University Press, 1983. "The Expatriate Factor in Nigerian Art Education: AHistorical Analysis," Education and Development (Lagos) 4 (1-2): 60-70, 1984. "Patronage and Cha ige in Nigerian /• ; ' Nigeria Magazine (Li gos) no. 150: 29-36, 1984. illus. Review: Yoruba: Sculpture from West Africa, bv William Fagg & |ohn Pemberton. International journal ofAfrican Historical Studies (boston) 17 ('.' Y. 145-148, 1984. "Art for Whom, Art for What?" Daily Times (Lagos) February 18, 1984. "Anatomy of a Housepost," Ife Siudif- in African Literature and the Arts, vol. 3 (Ile-Ife) 1985, pages 67-87. "Dale's Dainty Dreams," [review ofDavid Dale exhibition hel ' at the Italian Cultural Institute, Lagos]. West Africa (London) no. 3564: 2*40-2641, December 16, 1985. Review: Gelede: Ar! und Fenudc Po uer . iiwng ';>f Yoruba, by He ry John Drewal & Margaret Thompson Drewal. Black Orpheus (Lagos) 5 (2): 46-49, 1985. "Synthesized Mannerisms in Onobrakpeya's Art " Nigeria Ma azine (Lagos) 53 (3): 17-23, July-September 1985. illus., bibliog. "Popular Culture in Urban Africa," pp. 765-277. In: Africa, ec ^ted by Phyllis M. Martin & Patrick O'Meara, second edition, Bloomington, 1 diana University Press, 1986. illus bibliog. Koh the Menace. Lag s. Times Pj ;.^, Apapa, 1*W6. 115pp. illu: A book of cartoons reflecting the soc.o-political climate in Nigeria between 1976-1979; these cartoons appeared initial!) in the Sundru Times, Lagos. "Functional Education Through Art/' Nigerian Journal ofArt Education (Zaria) 2 (1): 65-69, Septembe 1986. bibliog. "Culture," pp. 46—J •• In: Nigeria. 'Ihe Handbook Review 1987, I igos, Patike Communications 1987. Demas Nvxko, Catafryue ofa Retrospective Exhibition. Lagos: Centre for Cultural Studies, University of Lagos, 1987. 14pp. illus. "How Does the Nigerian Artist Market his Product?" pp. 14-16. In: Nigerian and Foreign Patronage ofthe A. is, Lagos, German Cultural Cent:'.-, 1987. "Popular Culture and Popular Music: The Nigerian Experience," Presence Africaine- (Paris, no. 144 (fourth Quarterly 1987): 59-72, 1987. "African Art: The Limits of Tribality," chapter 4, pp. 41-50. In: African Unity: The Cultural Fo'indatu ns, Lagos, Centre for Black & African Arl >&Civilization, 1988. bibl. rets. Art by Metamorphosi : Selections of African Art from the Spelman College Collection. Atlanta: Spelmai College, 1988. 112pp. illus. (some color) bibliog. "African Art: Traditional and Contemporary Pottery," Studio 'otter (Goffstown, NH) 16 (2): 7-9, hint '.988. illus , bibliog. "Contemporary Afncan Art," Art Papers (Atlanta) 12 (4): 22-26, July-August 1988. illus., bibliog. "Introduction," pp. 5-9. in: Reflections: An Art Exhibition of th Society of Nigerian Artists, Lagos State Chapter, December 16-30, 1988, Lagos, Society of Nigerian Artists, 1988. 31pp. illus "Art and Culture: Culture and Art," pp. ?! -51. In: Design i. •/cation for International Practice, Ames, Design Research Institute, 1988. "Communication Policy and Cultural Development," pp. 24 Cultural Dimensions of National Communication Policy for Ni Tonv Nnaemek i and others. Lagos, Federal Ministry of 1 1989. "African Art Today," pp. 29-43. In: Contemporary African Ar :sts: Changing Tradition, New York, Studio Museum m Hari.-m, 1900. "The Visual Arts and the Nigerian Copyright Law," pages : Dialogue: SNA (it 25, Lagos, Society of Nigerian Artists, 1 Awards & Honors First Prize, All-Nij'eria Higher Institutions Painting Contest (Nigeria), 1972; Nigerian Arts Council Prize, best final yi of Fine Arts, Aimadu Bello University, 1973; Fasuyi priz student, painting, Department of Fine Art;-, Ahmadu Be Grillo prize, be^t all-round final year student, drawing, Bibliography Yussuff, bind 1974. illus. Paradise Bat!-red; j foreword by S. Federal Depart' 1986. 48pp. illu African Concord Dele Tegede Ca 4 (7): 35, Augu Olanipekun, Tunc (Lagos) page 21 ',-256. In: Philosophy and ;eria, vol. 1, edited by dormation and Culture, 6-59a. In: Creative "90. sponsored by Guiness ar student, Department •.', best final year ;o University, 1973; Vhmadu Bello University, 197..; first prize, Evan F. Lilly Memorial History of Art Lecture Series, Indiana University, Bloominton, USA, 1982. Public Collections Dodan Barracks, 1agos. Oil painting: "February 13, 1976." John Holt, Lagos. Oil painting. 1974 Lagos State Government, State House, Lagos. Oil painting: Lagos." National Council for Arts & Culture, Lagos. Oil paintings. National Gallery of Modern Art, Lagos. Oi! paintings: "Sair "Market Scene/' and "Masquerade"; pastel drawing: "Pe University of Lagos, Lagos. Oil painting: "Herdsmen ;n the iru," "Sallah Day,' trait of a Lady." Morning." The Debu of Delt Jegede," Nigeria Magazin (Lagos) 114: 15-21, xhibition held at the National Theatre, L, lrein VVangboje and "Notes on My Work nent of Culture & Archives and the Cent ?., port. Rev ewed: Demola Oguntayo, "1 (London) no. 105: 41, August 1986; Peter ptures Life's Reality with a Brush i( Hun st 18, 1987. Ie. "Dele Jegede's Art-Bomb Explodes in Paradise," The Guardian , June 28, iy88. gos, July 4-18, 1986!/ by Dele Jegede. Lagos: e for Cultural Studies, aradise Battered," Ishaka, "A Slice of 1 ife: our," Newswatch (Lagos)
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