JIDEANI. Prof. Israel Afam

B.Sc. M.Sc, Ph.D;university teacher;b: July 3.1956;p:Umuleri, so:Anambra; m: AdoraVictoria Ugoji, 1986; nc:three s; ed: St. Christopher's Primary School, Onitsha, 1970-71;Government College,Afikpo, AbiaState, 1971-75; Dennis MemorialGrammar School, Onitsha,AnambraState, 1976-77;Universityof Ife, lle-lfe,Osun State, 1977- 81;University oflbadan, Ibadan,Oyo State, 1983-85;UniversityofLeeds, UK, 1990-94; Kagoshirna University, Kagoshima, Japan, 1994-95. cr: AuxiliaryTeacher, EastCentral StateSchoolBoard,Enugu,1975-77;Graduate Assistant AbubakarTafawaBalewaUniversity, Bauchi, 1982-85;Assistant Lecturer, 1985-88, Lecturer II,1988-90; Post-graduate Marshal andInvigilator, University ofLeeds,UK, 1991-92; Lecturer, 1990-93,DemonstratoronWater Quality, Open University, UK, 1993-94; snr. Lecturer, 1993-96; aprof/ Reader, 1996; prof. Department ofBiological Sciences,ATBU, Bauchi;.Head/ dir. Equipment Maintenance Centre,Ahmadu Bello University, Bauchi, 1997; mm: University Industrial Training Co-ordinating Committee, 1987-90; since 1995;cc. Departmentof FoodScience and Technology, Universityof Maiduguri, since 1997; hon.mem.International Biographical CentreAdvisory Council, Institute of Food Technologists, Chicago, Illinois, since 1985; Nigerian Institute ofFood Science and Technology, since 1989;American Association ofCereal Chemists, since 1993;, Institute ofFood Science and Technology, since 1992,BiotechnologySociety ofNigeria, since 1996,New YorkAcademyofSciences,since 1996.ah: Tetleyand LuptonScholarship, University of Leeds, UK, 1990-91; Commonwealth Scholarship, Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, UK, 1990-93; Post-doctoral Research Fellowship,Japan Society for the Promotion ofScience, Japan, 1994-95. fd: Intemational Manofthe Year,Intemational Biographical Centre, 1996-97. publ: Lost Crops ofAfrica, National Research Council, (1996), Volume I: Grains Chapter 3: Fonio (Acha), National Academy Press Washington DC, USA, pp59-75; co-author, Jideani, V.A Olukunmi, O.A., Jideani, LA.(1995) Shelf Lifeand Predominating microfloraofa Non-fermented Pearl MilletDough(fura)Abstract, AmericanAssociationofCerealChemists Annual Meeting, Cereal Foods World 40 (9) 665. cw: ProteinsofAcha - Poster Presented atthe5th Intemational WorkshoponGlutenProtein, Germany, 1993.hob: driving,hockey, off: BiologicalSciences Programme, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, P.M.B. 0248, Bauchi, Bauchi State, tel: 077- 543500ext 339.e-m: Jideani@atbuedung res:6, Zaranda CloseGRA,P. O. Box 1886,Bauchi,BauchiState.
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