JIMOH, Dr. lsmaheel Aklnade

B.A, M.A, Ph.D; university teacher; b: March9,1959;ed:Universityoflbadan, 1986-99; 1990-92; 1993-95;cr: Junior Research Fellow, 1993; Lecturer, Dept. ofArabicandIslamic Studies, University oflbadan, since2000; Senior Research Fellow, since 2006; Sec, Editorial Board, Research Bulletin, Journal of the Centre for Arabic Documentation, InstituteofAfrican Studies, University of Ibadan, since 1990; Coordinator,AFSCourses ofthe Institute of African Studies, since 1999;The StaffandPostgraduate Seminars Institute of African Studies, since 1999; Representative ofthe Institute ontheBoard ofthe Faculty of Social Sciences, 2007; mm:Senate mem,University oflbadan, 1996-99; Board ofthe Institute ofAfricanStudies, since 1993;General Sec, Universityoflbadan Muslim GraduateAssociation(UIMGAX1995-97;mm:Nigerian Association ofTeachers ofArabicandIslamic Studies, 1989; publ:"Linguistic Acculturation": Arabic as a Medium ofCommunication in Yorubaland, AL-FIKR Joumai ofthe Dept. ofArabic and Islamic Studies, University oflbadan, 1992; Islam and Tobacco Smoking, (monographX Inteprit Arabic/English Bilingual Secretariat Centre, Ibadan, 1994; "Arabic Scholarship in the University oflbadan" Context Journal ofSocial and Cultural Studies Dept. of English, University oflbadan, 1997; "Arabic Data and Field Investigation: TheExperience ofa Nigerian Scholar", inA Handbook ofMethodology inAfricaStudies, John Archers Publishers Ltd., Ibadan, 1999; "The Tablighi Jama* ah and its activities inNigeria", African Notes, 2002; "Forms oftheQur'anic Manuscripts among theYoruba Islamic Scholars inSouthwestern Nigeria", Melanges de I'Universite Saint-Joseph, DavEl-machreq, Beyrouthh-Liban, 2006; "The Art of Qur'anicPenmanship and Illumination amongMuslim Scholars in Southwestern Nigeria", in WordofGod, Art of Man: The Qur'an and its Croat i\e Expression, Oxford University Press, 2007, etc; ah: Islamic .>ns Bureau Prize forthe Best Final Year Student in Islamic Studies, I».nv - I'rof. Musa Memorial Prize for the Best Student in Qur'anic Fxegises, I9SN v. Bashorun M.K.O. Abiola Postgraduate Fellowship for PhD. Programme (part time), 1993-05; off: Institute of African Studies, University oflbadan; tel:+234(0) 8023367824;e-m:[email protected].
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