JIRIKO, Dr. KefasGajere

B.A,M.Sc, Ph.D; geographer, lecturer, administrator, b:December3l, 1955; p:Angwan Fadi (Garaku); Iga: Kokona;so: Nassarawa; married with children; ed:ECWATransferred School,AngwanTakwa, 1963- 69;Kaduna Teachers' College, 1971-75;Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1977-80; University ofStrathclyde, Glasgow, UK, 1982-84; University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 1999-2004; cr:Civil Servant Urban and Regional Planning Division, Ministry ofHousing andEnvironment, Jos,Plateau State, 1981- 82;Lecturer III, Dept ofUrban andRegional Planning, Kaduna Polytechnic, 1985-86; lecturerII, 1986-88; Lecturer!, 1988-90;Snr. Ucturer, 1991-95; Principal Lecturer, 1995-2001; Examination Officer, School ofEnvironmental Design 1996-99;ChiefUcturer, since 2002; Head, DepartmentofUrban and Regional Planning, 2006-08; dir.,CollegeofEnvironmental Studies, Kaduna Polytechnic, since2008;Consultant, Preparation of"GreaterUsuma Town (Tourist Resort) MasterPlan"(Uwer UsumaDam),1985-86; Preparation of General Und Use Plan for New Warm Town, (Former Sokoto State), 1991; Nigerian Urban ForumConsultancy ProjectKadunaSouth Local Government Area, 1999;ee: Federal Polytechnic Nassarawa,2005-08;mm: Kaduna PolytechnicAcademic Board, since2002;College Board of Studies, since 2003;Academic Planning and Advisory Committee, KadunaPolytechnic, 2002-06;Publications Committee/Journal Board,NigerianInstituteofTown Planners, 1997-2000;Advisory CommitteeonSecurityProblems, College of Environmental Studies, 1996;KadunaPolytechnic Matriculation Committee, 2004; FraudulentAdmissionInvestigationPanel,2005-08;StaffAppraisal Committee, 2004; Kaduna Polytechnic Management Committee on Repositioningof Registry Stafftocomply withUniversity Registry Standard, 2007;mem/cb.,APAC Sub-Committeeon Resources Inspection/Verification visittotheDepartments ofCateringandHotel ManagementAccountingand Finance, Electrical Engineering, Building EngineeringandQuantitySurveying forthePurpose ofSplitting theDepartments in2006;Directorate ofAcademic Planning Representative to monitorthe conduct of NBTEAccreditation ExerciseinCollegeof Environmental Studies, Kaduna Polytechnic, 2006; Constructive Engagement Committee, (think-tank), since2008;Examination Results Consideration Committee, since 2008; Management Advisory Committee, 2008; ch., Kaduna Polytechnic Academic Board Standing Committee/Certificate Verification Committee,since2008;mem.SelectGroup ofProfessionalswhodrafted the Northern States/Abuja versionofthe then proposed Nigeria Urban and Regional Planning Uw in 1990 which incriminated in the Final National Urban and Regional PlanningUw in 1992; Editorial Board,SpectrumJournal,KadunaPolytechnic, since2005; mm:Environmental Management Association ofNigeria (EMAN); Town Planners RegistrationCouncil, Nigeria, (RTP); Corporate Member,Royal Town Planning Institute, Britain, 1982-98; f: Nigerian InstituteofTown Planners, (FNITP); sec.General,NigeriaInstituteofTownPlanners, Kaduna State Chapter, 1994-96; award: Winner,2"' Prize, Inter-State Teachers' CollegesEssayContest AhmaduBelloUniversity, 1974;Vice-Chancellor's Faculty Postgraduate PrizeforfoebestGraduatingDoctoral Student Faculty of Environmental Studies,University ofNigeriaNsukka,2002/2003 Session; publ:AspectsandTropicalIssues in UrbanandRegionalPlanning Practice, vol.1 Dalim Pub., Kaduna, 1999; Challengesand Problems ofOil and NaturalGasPipelines Transportation inNigeria; LandUsePlanning, Design and Management of Pipelines Row, 1"Ed.Masadeck Printarts, Kaduna, 2007;"Effective Urban ManagementandGovernanceforSustainable Cities in the21"Century" Journal ofthe Nigeria InstituteofTown Planner,1999; JIRIKO, Dr. KefasGajere; B.A,M.Sc, Ph.D; geographer, lecturer, administrator, b:December3l, 1955; p:Angwan Fadi (Garaku); Iga: Kokona;so: Nassarawa; married with children; ed:ECWATransferred School,AngwanTakwa, 1963- 69;Kaduna Teachers' College, 1971-75;Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1977-80; University ofStrathclyde, Glasgow, UK, 1982-84; University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 1999-2004; cr:Civil Servant Urban and Regional Planning Division, Ministry ofHousing andEnvironment, Jos,Plateau State, 1981- 82;Lecturer III, Dept ofUrban andRegional Planning, Kaduna Polytechnic, 1985-86; lecturerII, 1986-88; Lecturer!, 1988-90;Snr. Ucturer, 1991-95; Principal Lecturer, 1995-2001; Examination Officer, School ofEnvironmental Design 1996-99;ChiefUcturer, since 2002; Head, DepartmentofUrban and Regional Planning, 2006-08; dir.,CollegeofEnvironmental Studies, Kaduna Polytechnic, since2008;Consultant, Preparation of"GreaterUsuma Town (Tourist Resort) MasterPlan"(Uwer UsumaDam),1985-86; Preparation of General Und Use Plan for New Warm Town, (Former Sokoto State), 1991; Nigerian Urban ForumConsultancy ProjectKadunaSouth Local Government Area, 1999;ee: Federal Polytechnic Nassarawa,2005-08;mm: Kaduna PolytechnicAcademic Board, since2002;College Board of Studies, since 2003;Academic Planning and Advisory Committee, KadunaPolytechnic, 2002-06;Publications Committee/Journal Board,NigerianInstituteofTown Planners, 1997-2000;Advisory CommitteeonSecurityProblems, College of Environmental Studies, 1996;KadunaPolytechnic Matriculation Committee, 2004; FraudulentAdmissionInvestigationPanel,2005-08;StaffAppraisal Committee, 2004; Kaduna Polytechnic Management Committee on Repositioningof Registry Stafftocomply withUniversity Registry Standard, 2007;mem/cb.,APAC Sub-Committeeon Resources Inspection/Verification visittotheDepartments ofCateringandHotel ManagementAccountingand Finance, Electrical Engineering, Building EngineeringandQuantitySurveying forthePurpose ofSplitting theDepartments in2006;Directorate ofAcademic Planning Representative to monitorthe conduct of NBTEAccreditation ExerciseinCollegeof Environmental Studies, Kaduna Polytechnic, 2006; Constructive Engagement Committee, (think-tank), since2008;Examination Results Consideration Committee, since 2008; Management Advisory Committee, 2008; ch., Kaduna Polytechnic Academic Board Standing Committee/Certificate Verification Committee,since2008;mem.SelectGroup ofProfessionalswhodrafted the Northern States/Abuja versionofthe then proposed Nigeria Urban and Regional Planning Uw in 1990 which incriminated in the Final National Urban and Regional PlanningUw in 1992; Editorial Board,SpectrumJournal,KadunaPolytechnic, since2005; mm:Environmental Management Association ofNigeria (EMAN); Town Planners RegistrationCouncil, Nigeria, (RTP); Corporate Member,Royal Town Planning Institute, Britain, 1982-98; f: Nigerian InstituteofTown Planners, (FNITP); sec.General,NigeriaInstituteofTownPlanners, Kaduna State Chapter, 1994-96; award: Winner,2"' Prize, Inter-State Teachers' CollegesEssayContest AhmaduBelloUniversity, 1974;Vice-Chancellor's Faculty Postgraduate PrizeforfoebestGraduatingDoctoral Student Faculty of Environmental Studies,University ofNigeriaNsukka,2002/2003 Session; publ:AspectsandTropicalIssues in UrbanandRegionalPlanning Practice, vol.1 Dalim Pub., Kaduna, 1999; Challengesand Problems ofOil and NaturalGasPipelines Transportation inNigeria; LandUsePlanning, Design and Management of Pipelines Row, 1"Ed.Masadeck Printarts, Kaduna, 2007;"Effective Urban ManagementandGovernanceforSustainable Cities in the21"Century" Journal ofthe Nigeria InstituteofTown Planner,1999;
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