LAMBO, Prof. Thomas Adeoye

Born March 29, 1923

Abeokuta, Ogun State.



MB, Ch.B, M.D, neuropsychiatrist, retired inter national administrator, born March29,1923, Abeokuta, Ogun State; married Dinah V Adams 1945, three sons; Education: Bap tist Boys' HighSchool, Abeokuta, 1935-40, Medical School, Birmingham University, England, 1948; Institute of Psychiatry, Lon don University (postgraduate), 1952-54; Career: Appointed House Surgeon, General Hospital, Birmingham, UK, 1949; House Physician, Midland Nerve Hospital, Bir mingham, UK, 1950; Medical Officer, Gen eral Hospital, Lagos, 1951; Medical Officer, General Hospital, Zaria, 1951; Medical Of ficer, General Hospital, Gusau, 1951-52; Specialist- in-charge, Aro Psychiatric Hos pital,Abeokuta, 1953-56; appointed Consult ant Psychiatrist, University College Hospi tal, Ibadan, and associate Lecturer, Univer sityof Ibadan, 1956-63; Specialist, Neuropsychiatric Centre, defunct Western Region of Nigeria, 1957-60; SeniorSpecialist, Neuropsychiatric Centre, Western Region, 1960-63; appointed Professor of Psychiatry, Univer sity of Ibadan, 1963; J^Iead. Department of Psychiatry, Neurology and Neurosurgery, University of Ibadan, 1963-66; Dean, Medi cal School, University of Ibadan, 1966-68; appointed Vice-Chancellor, University of Ibadan, 1968-71; appointed Assistant Direc tor-General, World Health Organisation (WHO), Geneva, 1971-73; Deputy Director- General, WorldHealthOrganisation(WHO), 1973-811; retired voluntarily from WHO, June, 1988; founder, Lambo Foundation of Nigeria, since 1982; Founder/proprietor, Lambo Foundation Clinical Centre, Ikeja Lagos; member, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, 1961; fellow, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, since 1963; fellow, Royal College of Psychiatrists, 1970; Hon orary fellow, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of psychiatrists; founding member, Third World Academy of Sciences; founding member, African Academy of Sci ences; First African to be appointed to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, 1974; Chairman, Co-ordinating Board, African Chairs of Technology in Food processing, Biotechnologies, Nutritionand Health;mem ber. Expert Advisory Panel on Mental Health, World Health Organisation; member, Societe Internationale d'Ethnopsychologie Normale et pathologique; Chairman, Inter national Test Development and Research, West African Examinations Council; Chair man, Scientific Council for Africa; member, Problem Commission, Tropical Neurology; member, Council for International Organisation of Medical Sciences; member, Committee on Study of Inter-Group Rela tions, International Social Science Council; president, International College of Tropical Medicine, London; member. West African Council for Medical Research; Chairman, United Nations' Advisory Committee On Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Of fenders; member, Board of Trustees, Inter national Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan; member, Advisory Committee on Medical Research. World Health Organisation; Vice-Chairman, United Na tions' Advisory Committee on the Applica tionof Science and Technology to Develop ment; former Chairman, West African Ex aminations Council; member, International Advisory Panel, International Hospital Fed eration; member, International Epidemiologi cal Association; member,AdvisoryScientific Panel, Centre for Advanced Study in the Development Sciences; member, Executive Committee, World Federation for Mental Health; member, Science Advisory Panel, Ciba Foundation; member, Nigerian Medi cal Council; member Scientific Council for the World Future Studies Federation; Presi dent, World Society for Ekistics, 1979-71; member, Club of Rome; Vice Patron, Asso ciation of Psychiatrists in Africa; co-Chairman, International Society for the Study of Human Development: Vice-President, World Association of Social Psychiatry; Corre sponding member, Royal Medico-Psycho logical Association; Honorary member, Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences; fellow member, Mexican Institute ofCulture; found ing fellow, International College of Psycho somatic Medicine; associate member, Inter national Association for Child Psychiatry and Allied Professions; member of Editorial Board, International Journal of Psychiatry; Editorial Board member, International Jour nal of Social Psychiatry; Editorial Board member. ActaSocioMedica; Editorial Board member, Journal ofNigerian Medical Asso ciation; Editorial Board member. Interna tional Journal of Psychiatry inMedicine; Edi torial Board member, Studies in Third World Societies; Editorial Board member, Interdis ciplinary Science Reviews; Justice of peace, Western Stateof Nigeria, 1968; Award: First African Winner, Haile Selassie African Re search Award, 1970; Traditional Title: The Basegun of Egbaland (the Chief Physician); National Honours: Commander of the Or der of the Niger (CON), 1979; recipient, Ni gerian National Award, 1979; Foreign Honour: conferred with the Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE), 1962; Honorary Degree: awarded Honorary Doc tor of Science, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria, 1967; Honorary Doctor of Laws, Kent State University, Ohio, USA, 1969; Honorary Doctor of Laws, Birming ham University, England, 1971; Honorary Doctorate Degree, Faculty of Sciences, Uni versity of Benin, Benin City, 1973; Honor ary Doctorate Degree, Faculte' deMedecine, Universite d'Aix-Marseille, France, 1974; Honorary Doctor of Science, Long Island University, New York, USA, 1975; Honor ary Doctorate Degree, Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, 1976; Honorary Doctor of Science, McGill University, Montreal, Canada; 1978; Honor ary Doctor ofScience, University ofJos, Ni geria, 1979; Honorary Doctor of Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 1979; Hon orary Doctor of Science, Hacettepe Univer sity, Ankara, Turkey, 1980; Honorary Doc tor of Science,Hahnemann University, Phila delphia, USA, 1984; Honorary Doctor of Laws, University of Pennsylvania, USA, 1985; Honorary Doctorate Degree, Medical School of the University of Debrecen, Hun gary, 1987; Publications: Co-author, Psychi atric Disorder Among the Yorubas, 1963 and over 150 articles in national and international medical and scientific journals; Hobbies: cultural researching about tribe, religions, ancient books on the history of medicine, lit erature and philosophy; Official Address: Lambo Foundation, 24A, Isaac John Street, GRA, P. O. Box 702, Ikeja, Lagos State; Telephone: 01-962051, 961839.
Gender: Male
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Profession Psychiatrist
Working Experience Aro psychiatric hospital, Abeokuta
Baptist Boys' High School, Abeokuta 1935-1940.. University of Birmingham,. Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London

March 13, 2004
Last Update

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