pharmacist, publisher; b: February 4, 1935: ht: Shagamu; so: Ogun; m: Bjorg Bjorseth, 1964; nc: three s, oned; ed: Wesley School, Shagamu; Norwood College. UK; University of Bradford School of Pharmacy; Portsmouth University Schoolof Pharmacy, UK, 1962-63. cr: mgn. Boots Retail Department, UK, 1964-66; mgr., Leventis Department Stores, Pharmacy Division, 1966-68; Field Sales Representative, Boots Company Nigeria Limited. 1968-69; Proprietor/ch/md: Corona Chemists Nigeria Limited, since 1968, Litcramed Publications, since 1969; Principal Partner, Mega Resource Consultants; Proprietor/ Editor-in-Chief, Medical Index of Pharmaceutical Specialties in Nigeria; mem. Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria; former asst. sec, Editor and Council mm: Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria, West African Pharmaceutical Federation; former ch. Publications Committee of Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria; mm. National Association of General Practice Pharmacists, African Publishers Network; President, Nigerian Publishers Association; f. Institute of Directors UK and Nigeria; former Editor, Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, h: Merit Award Winner, Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria, Nigerian Book Sellers Association Award, Nigerian Book Foundation's Readership Promotion Award, cw: Master Krafty Children's Books,hob: reading, music, golf,off: Literamed Publications Nigeria Limited, Lantern House, Plot 45, Alausa/Oregun Industrial Estate, Ikeja, Lagos, tel: 01-4962512. res: 15, Oba Akinjobi Street, GRA, Ikeja, Lagos.
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