LO-BAMIJOKO, Dr. Joy Ifeoma Nwosu

Ph.D, educationist, born August 17, 1940; married Abubakar Lo-Bamijoko 1977, one son, two daughters; Education: HolyRosary Teachers College, Enugu, 1961, University of Michigan, USA, 1981; School Teacher, CMSSchool Ogui,Enugu, 1957;Tutor,Holy Rosary Secondary School, Enugu, 1962, Career: Appointed Welfare Officer, Inter national Red Cross, Bouake, Ivory Coast, 1970; appointed Music Producer, Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation(now Federal Ra dio Corporation of Nigeria, FRCN), Lagos, 1972-75; Assistant Director, Music Programmes, FESTAC '77; Lecturer in Mu sic, University of Lagos, later Lecturer J, Department of Music, University of Lagos, since 1975; member, Nigeria Association of Universities Women; member, International Association of University Women; Hobbies: reading, travelling: Official Address: De partment of Music, University of Lagos, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos State.
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Mother's Name
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