LOHO, Sugh Thaddeus

B.LS, M.LS; librarian, administrator, b: December 31,1946; p: Tombo; ht: Uga, Mbaikyongo; Iga: Bunuku; so: Benue;m: FideliaPowderLoho, January, 1968; nc: one s, five d; ed: RomanCatholic Primary School,Abwa,Mbagen, 1954-60; St Augustine'sTeachers'Training College, Lafia, 1961-66;Ahmadu BelloUniversity, Zaria,1974-77; 1982-84; en Librarian, AnambraStateCentralLibrary, NYSC, Enugu,1977-78; Asst Librarian, Kashim IbrahimLibrary,Ahmadu Bello University,Zaria,1978- 79; Librarian II, Kashim IbrahimLibrary,Ahmadu Bello University,Samaru, - Zaria, 1978-83;LibrarianI, University ofJos, Makurdi Campus, 1984-87; Snr. Librarian, Federal University ofTechnology, Makurdi, 1983; Snr. Librarian, Converted to University of Agriculture, Makurdi, 1987-99; University Librarian, UniversityofAgriculture,Makurdi,currently,Project Manager, The LibraryonWorldBankCreditFacilities, 1991; mm:; University Senate, UniversityofAgriculture, Makurdi, 1998-2000;Congregational Representative on Senate,2003-05;since 2005; JuniorStaffDisciplinaryCommittee, 1983- 86; University Staff Vehicle Loans Committee, since 1984;Investigating Panelon the Termination ofAppointment ofMallamAbdullahi Sule, 1988; UniversityResearchGrantCommittee, 1984-90; Board ofCollegeofScience, AgriculturalandScienceEducation, 1987-91; Board ofCollegeofAgricultural Engineeringand EngineeringTechnology, 1987-91; PlanningCommittee for theLaunching ofN500,000 Development Appeal Fund for University Staff School, UniversityofJos, Makurdi Campus, 1987; Representative, University Librarian ontheTaskForce onTraining forAdministrative, Professional and Technical Staff, 1992; Board ofCollegeofAnimal ScienceandFisheries, since 1989; Board of Collegeof Agricultural Economics and Extensions, l990-95Committeeon Office Facilities, 2003; Admissions Committeeof Centre forProfessional Studies, since 2002/03;SenateAd-hoc Committeeon Cases of Examination Malpractice intheCollege of Engineering, 2005; ch., Ad-hocCommitteeofthe Junior StaffDisciplinaryCommittee onStaffSchool Thefts; Park andGardens Management Committee, 1996-98; Committee to InvestigateTheftsof Stolen Library Books(20)Volumes of Encyclopedia and OtherBooks,1991;Committee Investigating Missing BooksatthePermanent SiteLibrary ofthe University ofAgriculture, Makurdi, 1988; Investigating Panels on Irregularities in the Collection ofRevenuein the Library andits Payment to the Bursary, 1988;Task Force on Environmental Sanitation, 2003; mm: ch., Nigerian Library Association, Benue State, 1985-92; OrganizingCommittee, Fund RaisingCeremonyforTarlca InstituteofPolitical Studies, by Tiv Community, Zaria, 1981; 1" v-presd., and Member of Council, Nigerian Library Association, 1986-89; Sec, Nigerian Unionof Teachers, Vandeikya Branch, 1972-74; Anti-PiracyCommittee, BenueState, since 1991; Benue State Library Board, 1985-86; Nigerian Copyright Council, Benue State Branch, since1988; CaretakerCommittee ofNational Republican Congress Party, 1992-93; ch., Jemgbagi GbokoCommunityDevelopment Association, Makurdi Branch, 1984-88; Treasurer, Tombo Development Association, Makurdi Branch, 1984-90; TivYouth Movement, since 1986; Collation Officer forOtukpoLocalGovernmentArea,Presidential Election, 1999; Treasurer, Mbalagh Development Association,Tombo, BurukoLocal Government Area, since 2003; h: Seal of Excellence Award, Institute of Corporate Administration, 2009;CertificateAwardofAccomplishment, Food PolicyandResearch Institute, 2008;ViceChancellor's LetterofCommendation, for Report of Meeting with Elders of Nyiev Community, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, 1988; Commendation Letter from the ch., Tiv Traditional Council forEffortTowardsSolving Land Disputes inTiv Land, 1990;publ:Academic LibrarianShouldPerform toMoveUp,Nigetbib\ios, vol.12(13), 1987; Tanzania's Educationfor SelfReliance:ItsRelevanceto Nigerias New6-3-3-4SystemofEducation, BenueState UniversityJournal of Education, vpl.3( 1),2001;AReadership Promotion Campaignfor Nigerian Youth, JournalofYouth Services in Libraries, vol.4(3), 1991; TheRoleof Library andInformation Servicesin NationalDevelopment, The Caseof 'Nigerian UniversitiesofAgriculture, Communicate: Journalof Library and Information Science,vol.I(2), 1992;The RoleofNigerian LibraryAssociation inLibrary Development inBenue State,Journalof KadunaStateChapterof Nigerian LibraryAssociation, vol.17,2001;DevelopmentofSchoolLibraries inNigeria:AStateoftheArt,Zaria Journal ofLibrarianship,AhmaduBello University LibraryComplex, vol.2(l&2),1998; The DevelopmentandScaling upofParticipatory Extension Methodfor Imperata WeedControlinTarka LocalGovernment Area., BenueState,A Book of Reading on Indigenous Proceeding, Storage andMarketing forPoverty reduction inNigeria, 2005; hob:reading, preaching; off: Francis Suleman Idachaba Library, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, BenueState; e-m: [email protected]; tel: 08055833084; res: House No. 15, PermanentSite Quarters, University of Agriculture, Makurdi; pha:LohoVillage, Mbalagh, Tombo, Buruku Local Government Area, Benue State.
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