LONGE, Dr. Olawunmi

Physicist, Director, Ibadan University Compu ting Centre; Born March 20, 1932 at Ikere-Ekiti, Ondo State; Education: St. Luke's School Ikere-Ekiti, 1938- 46; Christ School, Ado Ekiti 1947 - 51, University College, Ibadan, 1954- 59, University of Sydney, Australia, 1963-66, Ohio' State University, U.S.A., 1971-74, holds the B.Sc. M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees principal, Lisabi Grammar School, Abeokuta, 1960-61; senior master, Lagelu Gra mmar School, Ibadan, 1961; opera tions manager, UAC. Computer Cen tre, Lagos, 1967-68; member, Nige ria Computer Society, member. Scien ce Association of Nigeria, member. West African Science Association, member, Association of Computing Machinery, U.S.A. Married and has three children, a son and two daugh ters, Address (Home). 2, Pepple Road, University of Ibadan, (Office). Computing Centre, University of Iba dan, Ibadan , Oyo State, Hobby: gardening, table tennis, music.
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