LONGE, Prof. Ezechiel Oladapo

B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D; engineer, lecturer, administrator, b: June 25, 1956; p: Ibadan; married; nc: three; ed: St. CharlesGrammarSchool,Osogbo,Osun State, 1970-74;ObafemiAwolowo University, He-lfe, 1977-81; 1982-84; Universite desSciences etTechnigues du Langue doc (L'ustl), Monrpellier, France, 1984-89; cr: Site Geologist, Field Operation Section, Exploration and Exploitation Division, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NYSC, Falomo, Ikoyi, Lagos, 1981-82; Project Hydrogelogist ScanWaterEngineering (Nig) Ltd,Maryland, Lagos, 1982;ResearchFellow.Ader,LaboratoiredeI'Hydrologieet de Modelisation, Deptd'EauIngenerie, L'USTL, Montpellier, France, Jan-March, 1989; Lecturer 11,DeptofGeology,Federal University ofTechnology, Minna,Niger State, 1989,LecturerI, WaterResourcesand Environmental Engineering, Deptof CivilEngineering, University ofLagos, 1990-2000; SeniorLecturer, University ofLagos; Ag. Head, DepartmentofCivil Engineering, CollegeofScienceand Technology, Covenant University, Canaan Land, Ota 2006-07; ch: Departmental Post-Graduate Committee, University of Lagos, 2000-06; Examination Officer,DepartmentofCivil Engineering, UniversityofLagos, 1990-92; Faculty Research Committee,Faculty ofEngineering, University of Lagos,2008-09;Facilities Monitoring Committee, DepartmentofCivil and Environmental Engineering, UniversityofLagos,2008-09;National Technical Committee onGroundWater Monitoring forLagosState Underthe Auspices ofthe Federal Ministry ofWater Resources, since 2007; NationalTechnical Committeeon NigeriaStandards forDrinkingWaterQuality,Federal Ministry ofHealth/WaterResources/UNICEF, 2006-07; National TechnicalCommittee on RapidAssessment of DrinkingWater QualityCountry Survey, Federal Ministries ofWater Resources/Health/UNICEF,2005-06; National Technical onWaterResources, Federal MinistryofWaterResources, Abuja,1990-92; mm: CommitteeofProfessors and HeadsofDepartments,CollegeofScience andTechnology, CovenantUniversity, Canaan LandOta,20064)7; Reviewer, NSE Technical Transactional and Waste Management; Executive dir, AQUATERRA;AssociateEditor, Nigerian Journal ofWaterResources, Katuna, mem,EIATrainers Network,UniversityofManchester, UK;The ElATrainers Network, Published by EIA Centre, University of Manchester,UK; mm: Nigeria SocietyofEngineers, Nigerian Association ofHydro-geologist (NAH), Hydrological SciencesAssociation ofNigeria; International WaterResources Association; International AssociationofHydro-geologists (IAH);International SolidWasteAssociation;ah: ObafemiAwolowo University, lle-lfeScholarship, 1983/84 Academic Session, French Government Scholar, 1984-89; publ: Engineering Geology,A BasicText forStudentsLeinmichAssociates, Lagos, 2003; Environmental Risks and Financial Institutions: The Role of the Environmental Management System, Lagos Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies,2003;An Assessment ofth ImpactofAbattoirEffluentson River Illo, Ota,Nigerian; Journal ofEnvironmental ScienceandTechnology, 2008; Analysis of Pollution StatusofRiverlllo,Ota,Nigeria, The Environmentalist, 2008; off: Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering,University of Lagos, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos; tel: 234-802-319-0371,234-1 -4756429; res: Flat 15,HighRise,UniversityofLagos; e-m: dapolonge@yahc o.co.uk.
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