MABOGUNJE, Prof. Christiana Oluremi

B.A, B.Sc, M.D; politician, lecturer; b: November 7, 1940,ht: Ibadan; m: A.o! M NIGERIAN INTERNATIONAL BIOGRAPHICAL CENTRE WHO'S WHO INNIGERIA 501 Mabogunje, 1968, has children, cr: Intern in Medicine, Monteriore Hospital andMedical Center, Albert Eistein School of Medicine, Bronx, NY. USA, 1968-69; Resident in Medicine, 1969-71; Resident in Cardiology, 1971-72; Clinical and Research Fellow in Cardiology, Boston City Hospital Harvard Unit and Thorndike Research Laboratory, 1972-74; Senior Registrar, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Zaria; Lecturer, Medicine; Senior Lecturer, Medicine; Reader, Medicine; prof. Medicine, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital; mm: International Society and Federation of Cardiology, Council on Cardiomyopathy, American College of Cardiology; mm: Nigerian Cardiac Society, Nigerian Medical Association, West African College of Physicians, h: Who's Who Among College Students, USA, 1964; Alumnus of the Year, Huron College, USA, 1972; Honourary Doctor of Humane Letter, Huron College, USA, 1983. publ: Viral Myocarditis and Idiopathic Cardiomyopathy, Tropical Cardiology 2, 1976; Clinical Pattern of Chronic CorPulmonale in Zaria, Nigeria, a Ten-year Review, Tropical Doctor; and many others, hob: singing in Church Choir, sewing, off: Department of Medicine, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Zaria, Kaduna State, res: 23, Bonojo Street, Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State.
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