MAIGUWA, Mrs. Naomi P.(nee Umam)

BA, M.Ed;educationist, consultant; b:June20,1953;p:Mwona, Balanga; ht:Tula,TulaWange; Iga: Kaltungo; so:Gombe; m: Philip Maiguwa; nc:2d,4s;ed:SIM/ECWA Primary School, TulaWange, 1961-67; Queen Elizabeth School, Ilorin, 1968-72; Bauchi Teachers College,1974-75; SchoolofBasicStudies,ABU, Zaria, 1977-78; AhmaduBelloUniversity, Zaria,1978-81; UniversityofJos, 1983-86; cr. Auxiliary Teacher, Kulishim Primary School, Tangale Waja LGEA NE, 1973; Sokansoka Primary School,Todi Tangale Waja, LGEANE, 1973; Lallaipido Primary School, 1973-74; Asst Head Mistress, Kwarge Primary School, 1975-77; French Teacher, GDSS,ArmyBarracks, NYSC, Bauchi, 1981-82; History Teacher, GCDSS MOE, Bauchi State, 1982-84;Vice Principal Women'sTeachers College,Kaltungo, 1984-86; PrincipalGGSS Tula, 1986-89; Inspector History, ZonalEducation OfficeGombe,1989-91; Principal, GGSS MOE Hardawa, Bauchi State, 1991-94; GGC MOE, Naborodo, Bauchi, 1994-96;GGC MOE Bauchi, Bauchi State, 1996-97; GGSS MOE Doma, Gombe State, 1997-03; Deputy Dir., Ministry of EdJ:?tion,Gombe,2003-04;DeputyDir, Physical Planning, MOE,Gombe State, 2004-05; StateGEPConsultant, BomoState, Delloitte; for UNICEF/ DFID, 2001-07; mm: CommitteeInvestigating StudentsRampage inGombe LGA, 1990; StatePresident AllNig.ConferenceofSecoridarySchool Principal, . jombe StateChapter, 1992-03; Co-Founder, Staff Primary/Nursery School, GGC,Doma,Gombe, 1997; KanadiAcademyGombe, l997;StateCoordinator Women'sRightsAdvancement& Protection Alternative,GombeState, 2000- 05; has participated in several notabletrairimg&sdfimprovemertcw^ h:Commendation Letters, Ministry of Education, Bauchi&Gombe States, 1987; 1996& 1998; Nominee, American Biographical InstitutionofWomen oftheYear Award, 2004; award: GGSSS Doma PTA, Muslim&Christian StudentsAward for Effective School Management,2002-04; publ: Justification for Girl Child Education inGombe State; Quarterly Jewel Magazine, Gombe State, 1998; hob: reading, singing, poultry keeping; res: Kanadi Academy, P.O.Box 385* Gombe; tel: +2348033604169; email: . [email protected].
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