MALOMO, Dr. Siyanbola

B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D, engineering geologist, university teacher, born December 8,1950, Ilesa,Osun State; married Ajibola Irelewuyi 1981, three sons;Education: Otapete Methodist School, Ilesha, 1957-61, Ilesa Grammar School; 1962-68, University of Ibadan, 1969-72, University of Leeds, UK, 1973-77, Ecole Nationale Luperene des Miras, 1982; Ca reer: Appointed Geologist,Geological Sur vey ofNigeria, 1972; Graduate Assistant, De partment of Geology, University of Ibadan, 1972-73; Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Federal University of Paraiba, Campina Grarde-PB, Brazil, 1975- 76; Lecturer, Department of Geology, Uni versity of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo Uni versity), Ile-Ife, 1977-82; Senior Lecturer, Departmentof Geology, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, 1982-87; acting Head, De partment of Geology, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, -1987; Chief Project Of ficer,Commonwealth ScienceCouncil, Lon don, January 1988; member, International Association of Engineering Geology, 1978; member, Nigerian Mining and Geoscience, 1980;fellow, Geological Society of London, 1981;Vice-Presidentfor African Region, In ternational Association of EngineeringGe ology, 1982-86; member, International So ciety ofSoil Mechanics and Foundation En gineering; Publication: Proceedings of 9th African Regional Conference International Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, A.A. Balkema, 1987; Hobbies: draughts, chess, tennis, jogging; Official Address: Commonwealth Science Council, Marlborough House, Pall Mall. London, SWIY SHX, UK; Telephone: 01-839-3411.
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