MAMISO, Edmond

PROVINCIAL COMMISSIONER EdmondMamiso was bom at Vulpi in the Bashama distriaof the oldNuman division in 1928. He went to school in the Numan NA.. Junior Primary Schoolfrom 1942-45 and theE. T.C Toro in 1946- He aho dida Bridge Course atBauchifrom 1950-51 and was intheH.E.T.CKatsinafrom 1953-54. For most of his working life, EdmondMamiso was a Teacherin Numan andMbula between 1949-56. In April1956 he was made the Headmasterof the Numan NA SeniorPrimary School. Whik he was teaching hejoined the local consciousness group by identifying with the popular party in the area. The U.M.B.C. (Moses Rwang Wing) which later identified with theNorthern Peopks Congress (N.P.C). It was under this party that he was sekaed into theNorthern House of Assembly representingNuman division in 1956 and appointed Parliamentary Secretary between 1956-58. In 1958 he was appointed Provincial Commissionerfor Sardauna province and later transferred to Benue province from 1962-66, Earlier in may 1961 he won ekction again into theNorthern House of Assembly. EdmondMamiso one of theArchitertsof the Northern hegemony was during the Nigerian Crisisin1967a Northern Dekgate to the Leaders of Thought Conference tofind ways of preventing the crisisfrom escalating. Afterthe creation of Statesin1968 he became oneof thefew entrusted with the responsibilityof building andpromoting the newly created North Eastern State. He was appointed Commissionerfor HomeAffairsandInformation. He remained there till 1975 when the Government wasoverthrown. Asa memberof the United Nations sponsoredC.C.TA. Community Devehpment Study Team in1959 he visited several African countries and under the sponsorship of the Commonwealthin1963 visited UK, France, Italy and Switzerland. In the late 70 'sEdmondMamisojoined the services of the Savanna Sugar Company Guawana inAdamawa State as Personal Manager, He diedinaLagosHospital on the 13th November1981.
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