METTEDEN, Amb. Mohammed Lameen

LL.B, B.L; ; diplomatadministrator, b:October 29,1937;p:Kano; m: HudaAbdullahi, 1960; nc: three s,oned;ed:Dala Primary School, Kano City, 1943-44; Local Authority Elementary School,Okene,Kwara State(now KogiState), 1944-50; Kabba Province Middle School, Okene, Kwara State (now Kogi State), 1951; GovernmentCollege, Keffi,BenueProvince(now Nasarawa State),1952-57; King's College, Lagos, 1958-59; Gray's Inn, London, 1960-64; Holbom CollegeofLaw,London, 1961-62; Council of Legal Education Schoolof Law, Lagos, 1964; School ofInternational Affairs,Columbia University, New York, 1966-67; cr: served in the MinistryofExternalAffairs, 1965-66;1965- 71;SecondSec, EmbassyofNigeria, Monrovia,Liberia 1967-68; Second Sec., Embassy of Nigeria The Hague, Netherlands, 1968-70; First Sec, Embassy ofNigeria,Rome,1971; promotedExternal AffairsOfficerGrade VII,November, 1971; served atHeadquarters, Ministry of External Affairsin Protocol&Africa Depts., 1971-73;Asst. Executive Sec.,Admin.& Finance, OAU, Liberation Committee, Dar-Es-Salam, 1973-81; Admin. Officer, Counselor, Senior Counselor, MinisterCounselor, Minister, 1973; 1974; 1975; 1976;'1977;Ambassack)rtoMozambiquewimConcurrentAccreditati to Madagascar, Mauritius andSwaziland, 1981 -84;dir., Perm. Secretary's Office,Immigration&LegalDept, MEA, Lagos, 1984-87; 1987-88; Asst. dir^gen., Legal&Treaties Dept,European Affairs Dept,MEA,Lagos, 1988- 89;.Foreign ServiceOfficer, MEA, Lagos, 1989; Deputy Dir-General, European Aflairebepartment, MEA, Lagos, 1989-90; High Commissionerto the Republic oreTmbabwe, 1990-99; conferences attended: Asst Executive Sec. inCharge ofAdministrationand Financeinlhe Executive SecretariatoftheOAU, Dares- Salam; organized and attended all thebiannual Ordinary Session ofthe OAUCoordinatingCommittee forthe Liberation ofAfrica;Attended 6* Pan AfricanCongress inDar-es-Salam in1974as participantintheOAU Delegation; attendedthe First Afro-ArabSummit inCairoin 1977asa Nigerian Delegate; attended theUN Anti-apartheid Conference held inLagos in 1977; Attended the First OAU Economic Summitin Lagos in 1980asa Nigeria Official; attended asaNigerian Delegate, theUN General Assemblyin1982;Attended asa member ofthe Nigerian Delegation ofthe Commonwealth Heads of J wemmentSummitheldin Harare in 199l;memberand Leader, respectively, ofNigerianContingent intheOAU MonitoringTeam duringthe 1994 Election inSouth AfricaandMozambique, etc;Board memberandViceChairman, International LawInstitute, Abuja, since 2004; member,Vision 2020 Foreign PolicyGroup 2009aswell asitsSub-Committee onImproving Relationships with our French Speaking Immediate Neighbours; off:c/oInternational Law Institute,Abuja.
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