MIVANYI, Dr. Yuwanna Jenny

B.Ed,M.Ed,Ph.D; educational psychologist, lecturer, administrator, b: April24,1955; Iga: Hong; so: Adamawa; m: Married; nc: five; ed: St. Michael's Primary School, 1961-67; Madanna Teachers'College, Sugu, 1968-72; Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1974- 78;UniversityofJos, 1981-83,1988-96; en Teacher, Kwatau Primary School, North Eastern State, 1973;Teacher, NYSC,WomenTeachers'College, Kano, 1978-79;Uctutw/AgHead,DeparorientofSocBl Studies,AdvmxdTeachers' College,AkwangaJos, I979r82; Head, DepartinentpfSOcial Studies,Women Teachers'College, Gezawo, Kano, 1982-83; Lecturer IL Kaduna Polytechnic, 1984-87;Lecturerl,l987-91;Snr. Lecturer, 1991 -2000; ChiefLecturer, 2000; Dean, School ofScience andtechnical Education, 2004-06; Deputy Rector (Admin), Kaduna Polytechnic, since2008; Consultant, Research Studies for UN1CEF; Consultant toUNICEF (Free Counseling)onChildren and Women „ Intervention Programmes inAfrica; Participant, Radio/Television Discussion on Child Development andTopical Issues in Nigeria; mm: International AssociationofApplied Psychology(IAAP), since 1988; International Society of the Study of Behavioural Development (1SSBD), since 1995; State Coordinator, Association for Promoting Quality Education in Nigeria (APQENX1991-96; Financial Sec.,EnvironmentandBehaviourAssociation, 1992-98; CounselingAssociation ofNigeria since 1995; award:Listed as c^oftte2(X»lntd!ectualsofthe21-^ Cenn^Cambridge; CertificateofHonourbyAdarnawaState Students Union, Kaduna Polytechnic; Certificate of Merit, National Association of Kilba Students,Maiduguri; publ: "TheStructure aridFunctionoftheAcculturated Nigeria Family" in Family University Across Cultures: A30Nation PsychologiesStudy,Cambridge University Press, 2006; "77te Development of Vocational qnd Technical Education inNigeria" At-risk Population: SccidingtfisticiMicationallsstm,l^ "The Needfor Guardians andCounseling", Journal ofEducation, FCE, Amr^\9%;EnvironmMandE^ ItsEducationalandDevelopment Implications, International Journal of Psychology, 1996; Utilization ofSocial Work. Service in cm Acculturated Society: AStudyofNigeria, 266 lnternatforffll CongressofApplied Psychplogy, 1AuSe^Greecei20Q6;ChildrenwithChallengesandlite Media: WestAfrican Perspective, An international Seminar on the Right ofChildren Living in Disabilities, Si«vSwitzerland, 2006;AComparativeStudyofthe Cognitive Stylesofthe FulaniandGbagyi PrimarySchoolsStudents, Kaduna. Kaduna State XXVIII International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, China2004; ErnlronmentandEyerydayCogrtitionJn^ ItsEducatipnal andDevJoy^lmpikatiw CongressofPsychblogy, Montreal, Canada, 1996; Early Childhood Intervention Programmes: A Necessity in the Nigeria SchoolSystem, Workshop on Early Childhood Education, Shebrooke, Quebec^Canada, (Organized by UNESCO), 1996; HIV/AIDSandSe\fDefence Mechanism Among Youth, Kaduna, UNICEF Kaduna,(2001); AppraisalofStudent Research Project Writing In Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna, 1993; and many other publications; off: College of Science andTechnology, DeptofTechnical Education, Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna; tel: +234-62-218408(res), +234-8023086050; e-m: [email protected]..
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