MOGHALU, Dr. Kingsley Chiedu

LLB, BL, Ph.D.; legal practitioner, columnist, administrator, b: May7, 1963; p: Lagos; so: Anambra; m: Maryanne Ezike; nc:Five children; ed:University ofNigeria, Nsukka, 1986; Nigerian Law School, 1987;Centre forAmerican and International Law, Texas,USA, 1991; Fletcher SchoolofLawandDiplomacy,Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 1992; London School of Economics Political Science, UniversityofLondon,UK; InstituteofRisk Management,London, UK,2008;en Legal Officer,ShellPetroleum DevelopmentCompany Limited, Lagos, 1987-88;Africa News Service, USA; Christian Science.Monitor, USA; Special Correspondent, South Magazine, UK; General Counsel, Newswatch Communications Limited, Ikeja, Lagos;Consultant, Political Risk ServicesGroup,Inc.,Syracuse,New York, 1991-92; snr. ed. Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, Boston, USA;Judge, Philip Jessup International LawMootCourt,American SocietyofInternational Law,Washington, D.C; Human RightsOfficer, United Nations(UN)Peace-keeping Mission, Cambodia, 1992-93; Political AffairsOfficer, Department ofPeace-keepingOperations (DPKO), UNHeadquarters, NewYork, 1993-96; Political Adviserto the Special Representative oftheSecretary^jeneral and Head of Mission,UN Peace-keeping Mission toCroatia, 1996-99; Special Counsel/Spokesman, UN International Tribunal for Rwanda, 1999-02; Legal Adviser, UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Arusha? Tanzania, 1997-02; din/Head, Global Partnership and ResourceAllocation, Global Fund toFight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Geneva, Switzerland, 2002-06; e-dir. Business Roundtable, Geneva, 2009; snr.Advisor, Sustainabijity Advisory Group, Dubai, 2009; Faculty Member/snr. Lecturer, AMETGroup S.A. Wealth Management Program, Geneva Switzerland, 2009; ceo. Sogato Strategies S.A.,Geneva, Switzerland, 2009; Surveillance, Central BankofNigeria (CBN), since 2009; mm: Redesign Panel, UN Internal Justice System,New York, USA, 2006; award: Best Studentof International LawAward, UNN; 100 Most OutstandingNigerians under 50, The Source; publ:Genocide, Palgrave Macmillan, NewYork,2005; Global justice: The Politics ofWar Crimes Trials, Stanford University Press, 2008; Columnist: The Guardian, Nigeria, since 1988; Global Viewpoint, Tribune Media Services International, since 1998; IPS Columnist Service, Rome, since 1998; off:Financial Surveillance, Central Bank of Nigeria, Abuja. Dr. Kingsley is Presidential Aspirant for the 2019 Nigerian Election under the Young Progressive Party(YPP) Platform.
Gender: Male
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Working Experience

– Fellow, Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (FCIB)
– Rotary International Distinguished Service Award


– Officer of the Order of the Niger (OON)

– Rwandas Genocide, 2005;
– Global Justice, 2005;
– Emerging Africa: How the Global Economy’s ‘Last Frontier’ Can Prosper and Matter, 2013;
– Build, Innovate and Grow: My Vision for Our Country, 2018.


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