MOHAMMED, Ahmed Rufai

FCIDA, FICT, $.Sc; company executive, administrator, b: December 31,1951; p: Kano;so: Kano; Married with children; ed: Jarkasa Primary School, 1960^66; Bimin Kudu Secondary School, 1967-71; Abdullahi Bayero College, nowBayero University, Kano, 1973; AhmaduBelloUniversity, Zaria 1976; Manchester Business School, UniversityofManchester, England, 1978; en Investment Promotion Officer, Ministry ofTrade, Industry&Co-operatives NYSC,OgunState, 1976-77; AdministrativeOfficerII,Sec.,StateHousing Loan&Sec.,MilitaryGovernors Office,KanoState,1977;Asst InvestmentExecutive,KanoStateInvestment &Properties Ltd,1977-81; Investment Executive, 1981-82; Senior Investment Executive, 1981-82;ChiefAccountant/CompanySec.,KanoTextile Printers Ltd, 1982-84;Financial Controller,Kano State Investment& Properties, 1984-88; dir..Finance& Investment,KanoStateFoundation, 1988-91; Asst General Manager, Nigeria SocialInsurance Trust Fund, 1991-93;General Manager, Nigeria Social Insurance TrustFund, 1993-02; Managing din/ceo., 2002-07; Mahagingdir./ceo., Harusons International Ltd.Member, Board of Directors, KanoStateOil&Allied Production,1984-85;KanoTextilePrinters Ltd, 1984-87; Nigerian Leather Works Ltd, Kano, 1987; Crystal Computer Services Ltd,Kano, 1989-01; Kapital Insurance Ltd,1993-02; Epic Dynamics PIc, 1993-02; Excel College, Kano, since 1998; dir, Abuja International Diagnostic Caitre,2000-02; Profound securitiesUd, 2002-07; First Securities DiscountHouse Ltd, 2002-03; NigeriaGerman ChemicalsPIc,since 2002; Capital Hotels PIc, 20044)7; Trustand Pensions PIc; AlliedBankNigeria Pic,1993-95; 1MBInternational Bank PIc(UBA), 2005;AfribankNigeria Pic, 2005-07; Royal ExchangeAssuranceNig.PIc, since2007; Royal Prudential Life AssuranceCompany Pic,since 2007; NorthbridgeInvestment&Trust Ltd;Gazal Industries PIc; mm: StateCommittee on Housing Policy, Kano State, 1986;Committee on Cross Debt Reconciliation,TechnicalCommittee on Privatization andCommercialization, Federal Government ofNigeria 1988-89;CommitteeonPrivate Pension Fund Management, 2001; Chartered Institute ofLocal Government andPublic Administration ofNigeria, 2004; Fellow, Certified Institute of Public Administration and Management, since 2003;InstituteofCorporate Administration,2003; PostGraduate Schoolof Credit&Financial Studies, since2004; Institute ofChartered Trustees Nigeria, 2005; Civilian Institute of Democratic Administration, 2005; awards: Certificate ofHonour, National Association of Kano State Student, 2003; Gold award for Leadershipand GoodC^vernanoe,AchieversMedia International, 2004; Certificate of Excellence inCorporate Management, Business Reports International, 2004; Nobles International,West Africa International Magazine, 2004; LeadershipGold,TimeInternational Magazine, 2004;Africa International MediaOrganization,2005; off:
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