MOHAMMED, Hon. Balafi

politician, administrator, b: 1950; p:Yimirdlang; ht: Yimirdlang; Iga: Kwaya-Kusar, so: Bomo;married, haschildren; ed: Yimirdlang Primary School, 1961-67; Yerwa Practicing School, Maiduguri, 1968; Lamisula Primary'School, Maiduguri, 1969-70; Yerwa Government Secondary School, 1971-73; Waka GovernmentSecondary School, 1974-75; Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1977;British CareersTrainingCollege, Jersey, Britain, 1980; BasicJudicail Course, Law Dept, AhmaduBello University, Zaria, 1977; Commercial Asst. Course, Agricultural Project Monitoring, Evaluation andPjanning Unit,Kaduna State, 1980; Supervisor Course, In-Plant Training Programme Vegetable and Fruits Processing Ltd., Training Centre, Jauro Garga, 1989; cr: Court Clerk, Judicial Dept. Area Courts Division, Maiduguri, 1975-77;Trade Asst, GombeAgricultural Dev. Programme, 1977-82;AsstExtensionOfficer, Vegetable and Fruits Processing, Jauro Garga, 1984-89; Fuel Clerk, Impresit Bakalor Pic,Numan, Adamawa State, 1987-88; Elected Member, representing Kwaya-Kusar Constituency, BomoState' House of Assembly, since2007; member, All Nigeria People's Party, ANPP; Asst Sec/Sec., ANPP; Stakeholder,! Party in" Kwaya-Kusar, LocalGovernmentArea;ch., HouseCommittee on Justiceand Judiciary, mm: House Committee on Finance and General Purpose; Agriculture and Rural Development; Environmental and Forest Resources; hob: reading; off: Bomo State House of Assembly, Maiduguri.
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