MOHAMMED, Justice Mahmud

LL.B. B.L; jurist; b: November 10. 1946; p: Jalingo; ht: Jalingo; Iga: Jalingo; so: Taraba; m: Hadiza and Hauwa, 1973, 1979; nc: Nine s: five d; ed: Malam Kasimu Koranic School, Jalingo, 1950-52; Junior Primary School, Jalingo, 1953-56; Senior Primary School, Jalingo, 1957-59; Secondary Tech. School/ Government College, Kaduna, 1960-64; Government Collegc/Rumfa College, Kano, 1965-66; Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1967-70; Nigerian Law School, Lagos, 1970-71; Commonwealth Institute of Legsislative Drafting, 1976; National Institute of Public Management, Washington D.C. USA, 1980; Institute of Judicial Administration, University of New York, USA,1982; Institute of Advanced Legal Studies; University of London, U.K., 1983; cr: Excutive Officer, North Eastern State 1971- Pupil State Counsel. Ministry of Justice. North Eastern State' 1971; State Counsel 1, 1973; State Counsel 1. Gongola State Ministry of Justice, 1976; ag. snr. State Counsel II, 1976; snr. State Counsel 11. 1977; ag. snr. State Counsel 1, 1977; ag. snr State Counse VGondola State. 1978; snr. State Counsel. 1978; ag. Solictor General/ ps Gon-ola State. 1978: Deputy Solicitor General. 1979; Substantive Solicitor General/ps. 1979; Attorney General/comm. for Justice Gongola State, 1981-83; Chief Magistrate 1. L984-85; High Court Jud»e 1985- ag. Chief Judge, 1988-89; ag. Chief Judge. Taraba State, ,99/Vs.bstantive Chief Judge, Taraba State. 1991-92: Justice Court of Appeal, since 1992; mm:Takun Local Govt. Election Dances Pane .1976: Gonsola Stale Local Govt. Review Panel. 1980; Lega Profession in Nigeria, since 197V, Tne Bar Council 1981-83; Council of Leoal Education, 1981-83; Body of Benchers. 1988-89 199 9-. ch: Gonsola State Scholarship Board Investigaion Panel. 1984; Jud.c.a Commission of Inquiry into Hong Govt. Secondary School Students Disturbances. 1986: Gongola State Panel of Review ol Lanu Administration, 1988; Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Wukari Disturbances, 1990; publ: Punishment- Criminal Law. Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, 1970; hob: reading, swimming, farming, animal rearing and photography; off: C/o. Justice's Chambers Court of Appeal, Ali Akilu Road, P.M.B. 2232, Kaduna; tel. 062-312842: res; 3C, Yahaya Road, Unguwam Rimi, G.R.A. Kaduna; tel: 062-215404.
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