MOSES, Dr. Boniface Samuel

B.Sc, Ph.D, university teacher & researcher, born June 16,1936, Ikot-Ekang, Abak, Akwa Ibom State; married Cecilia Thomas Udoh 1962, three sons, four daughters; Education: Otoro Native Authority School, Abak, 1944- 49, Holy Family College, Abak, 1950-54, University College, Ibadan, 1959-62, Uni versity ofUyo, 1992-97; Career: Appointed Fisheries Research Officer, Niger Delta De velopment Board, 1964-69; Fisheries Officer, Cross River State (formerly South Eastern State); Deputy Chief Fisheries Officer, Cross River State, 1978-84, Senior Visiting Lec turer, University of Calabar, 1978-83 and University ofPort Harcourt, 1980-81; Senior Lecturer, University of Cross River State, 1984-1991; Senior lecturer, University of Uyo, 1982-date; member, International Net work of Tropical Fisheries Scientists, mem ber, International Centre for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM) Makati Manila, Philippines, member, New York Academy of Sciences; member, Science As sociation ofNigeria; member of council & secretary, Science Association, UNICAL, 1973-74; member/national secretary, Fisher ies Society ofNigeria (FISON), 1976-86; President, Nigerian Society for Biological Conservation; member, The Nigerian Geo graphical Association; member, New York Academy of Sciences; National Consultant, Food &Agricultural Organisation (FAO) On Nigeria's Natural Resources (Fisheries) Con servation Policy; Team Leader, UNICROSS (latter UNIUYO), Consultants, on Baseline Environmental Study of Enwang Oil Field (Akwa Ibom State) for Shell Petroleum De velopment Company ofNigeria (SPDC), Port Harcourt, 1990-91;TeamLeader,UNIUYO Consultant onBaseline Environmental Study ofAgu OilField (Imo State) for SPDC, Port Harcourt, 1991-93; Team Leader, UNIUYO Consultants On Environmental Impact As sessment (EIA), of Imo River Estuary Dredging for ALSCON, Ikot Abasi, 1997; Consult ant (Aquatic Studies) UNIUYO Consultancy on Environmental Impact Assessment, Obigbo North Field, SPDC, Port Harcourt' 1996-97; Publications: Introduction to Tropical Fisheries, University Press, Ibadan 1983; Co-author, Introduction to Tropical Agriculture, Longman, London, 1986; Fish Culture Development in Nigeria, FAO Aquacult Bull, 1972; Hobbies: reading novel & watching television; Official Address: Department of Zoology, University ofUyo, PMB 1017, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State; Home: 14, School Road, Abak, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.
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